Just A Commoner Chapter 1 I crept out of the back entrance of the palace which I hoped my mother wouldn't find me leaving. I probably should have known better. "Your highness, where are you going?" The door man asked. "No where." "The queen will not be happy about you sneaking off. " I sighed, walked up the golden lined stair case, trudged back into my room, picked up my school bag and walked back to the door man. "Tell my mother I've gone to a study session at uni. Good bye stew." I ran out of the palace, through the gates, through the woods and slowly jogged into the uni campus. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. Not realising I was late for my first study hall but so was someone else. "You ran here from the palace your highness?" A familiar female voice came from behind me. "Lou what have I said about calling me highness?" "That you want to be approached like an equal...George." She moved to my side and linked her arm round mine. I rolled my eyes and walked over to a small bench in the garden. "So we must think of another place to meet up accept school, it's...well we...it's not very practical." She said leaning back against the branches "The one problem is I'm a prince..next in line to the throne and your..." "I'm just a commoner." #################### Authors note:-- hi I'm new and I'm not sure wether it's any good or not...so please comment. And sorry that chapter was short. Chapter 2 For the next 20 mins an awkward silence fell upon us. I hated the way she kept calling herself a commoner, I would never call any um 'normal' person a commoner or peasant, it's just rude. "Well um Lou, I have to host this annual spring ball because my father is away and well I was wondering wether you would like to come with me?" I personally thought that no one would have a problem with me bringing Lou. Well that was me personally. "Really? Me?" "Yes. If it's ok ?" "Well um, thank you, I would be honoured." She stood up smiling as the bell went. "See you later yo....George." she did a little curtesy and walked happily off. I sat for a bit thinking about how #life can be so wonderful and then it hit you...three words that if my father found out could end my normal #life...late for class. At that thought I jumped out of my seat and sprinted to my study hall arriving just in time for The second session to begin although coming in out of breath was obvious I had sprinted. "Well Mr Windsor, how nice of you to join us," he smirked Meanly and went back to scribbling on the board. Almost as soon as I slumped down in my seat I felt every pair of beady eyes of the girls glued onto me. It was unnerving. Suddenly two palace security men burst in, looked at my teacher who nodded and then they came over to me an started marching me out of the gates and into a black palace car. As had happened before I was charged into the king and queens presence and knelt before them, like I was going to be beaten or something. It was inhuman. "George Alexander Louie Windsor, never ever ever do that again understood?!" My fathers voice boomed..he was gentle normally but when something set him on edge, something I do, he loses it. "Um do what exactly?" I squeaked. And ok yes I'm not very manly when in the presence of scary dad. "You know fine well what. You know the door man isn't allowed to leave his post so how could he tell me and your mother that you had gone to uni..." "I'm sorry...but that almost sounded like you didn't want me to go to uni?." I smiled inside...it's very hard to find a flaw in any of my fathers speeches, as father or as king. "I never said that.." He glanced over at my mother, she shook her head in disgust. "Nor would I ever think it....you know we know uni is important and to give you a 'normal' #life is important to us," he sat back in his seat. "I know...but I don't want to very well wander freely out of the front doors..." "It's either that or you live by yourself." My mother quickly interrupted, I can't stand the thought of living by myself in someplace that isn't here. "Okay...ill be more...um proper next time...but I really think you pulling me out all the time is going to have some effect on my grades." "Your a royal...it's your job. You have no choice." I opened my mouth to say something but my father waved his hand. "Before you go son...you are still okay to host this ball?" "Ah yes well ...about that...can I bring someone?" I slowly rose to my feet not knowing which mood my father was in at that very moment in time. "I see no reason why not....as long as its not that friend from uni who is always sneaking you out of classes" "What? But that's how you two met...isn't it? Or have you been feeding me lies?" They had no right to do that....okay they had all the right in the world...but they wouldn't...but they had....urgh they drive me mad sometimes. "No no son....but it's just..." He once again looked over at my mother siting peacefully beside him "oh alright then...but if you two cause trouble...." "Yeah yeah save your breath..I know the speech." I bowed my head slightly an walks out. Chapter 3 I sat in complete silence as the maid brought out our food. My mother and father began to eat yet I stayed still. "Would you excuse me.." I stood up and walked outside making my way over to a little seat in the trees. "George, are you alright?" My mothers voice said, not so soon after. "This is why we tried to give you the normalist #life we could when you were little." "So what, I would be even less prepared for when my time to be king came?" I said as she sat down beside me. "Of course not...your father went to uni...and tried to live as normal #life as he and his family could provide him...and he has made a wonderful king. And who's to say you won't follow in his footsteps?" "And who's to say I won't? You can't control my #life...if you did it would be a hell of a lot easier." I rubbed my hands together to make them warm again. "We can...there's a thing called power...that can be deadly of used in the wrong way" she had said that in her 6 year old story telling voice...she always did that when I was upset as a kid. "I'm not 6 nor will I ever be again." I stood up and looked at her face slightly taken a back, I didn't mean to upset her...I guess I better watch my mouth in future. "Sorry, I didn't, doesn't matter. I'm going to bed." I walked off. "George?" But I continued to walk. I stormed up to my room. I got changed into my boxers and lay down on the bed.
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