Untitled Hem!' The young woman coughs. 'Your attention PLEASE!' Silence. 'Thank you! Now for my announcement. Who is this years saviour for The Halders day? Who will become a saviour to the citizens of this Area? The brave person shall offer themselves to save their village and Area from the vicious monster in the woods.' Saviour my backside! More like slaughter meat! There's probably no bloody monster! The Ministers probably eat them. Speaking of ministers, it's been 90 years since a minister has been chosen for to be the "saviour". People say its been rigged. The fact that she would make you seem all noble. 'And this years noble saviour is... Drumroll please...' She smirks. Nothing. 'Well, this year the lucky somebody who will be saving us from the viciousness that inhabits the woods beyond our Areas. And you know, that this happens in every Area, so don't think that you are being bullied!' A fake sweet smile quickly appeared on her face. 'Sophie...' OH MY GOD! It could be me. 'Andrews...' She smirks. Again. Phew! A sense of relief bigger than any other sweeps over me. 'And this year, our saviour will be joined on her adventure.' Could this get any worse! They just can't get much lower than this! 'Sophie...again?' 'Just continue!' One of the idiotic Ministers shouts. 'Temple.' It's me. I am going to die. 'Why the hell does she need a companion...' I hiss as I walk over to the old, well rather young hag. 'Oh hello.' I throw her a look, which unsurprisingly she is rather pissed off to be receiving. 'Why does she need a companion, it's not as if she's going to try and escape and I'm going to throw her into the mouth of the dreaded beast. And anyway she will eventually find it. And it's no particularly helpful if we're both called Sophie...' I protest quietly as I am ushered into the car. To my death.