Story Of Her #life Began Without Her She was laying on her bed as the millions of things she have done came flooding to her mind. There were many things she liked but there were so many regrets too. I am naming her Claris. There is something about this name which reminds of beautiful crystalized glasses. I don't know the reason why that image comes to my mind. Anyways going back to my story ... She was feeling so lonely and hallow inside . Her heart ached. She missed all her time she spent with her friends and family. It was almost like claris forgot what happiness was and what was it like to laugh. She was so lonely even though she was surrounded by many people. Everything seem to backfire her. Even her heart would not listen to her. She wished for it to go numb but it would rather feel like the way it wanted. Everybody say its my heart my head but really it's never their. This heart and head is another terrorist residing in your body and doing what ever it want. Do you know the feeling everything you ever thought falling in front of you and there isn't a single thing that you can do to protect it. You dream this amazing #life for yourself. It's almost perfect but when time comes your #life turns out to be opposite of what you thought. This was the exact feeling that she felt but something in her head whispered to her it gets better. To be continued in next chapter . And please comment about the things I must change. I am probably not good at it but I am trying to tell a story and will be very happy to be suggested anything helpful.
En lire plus..I Miss The Time When The most scariest moment was when I did not do the homework . The most saddest moment was when the ballon flew away from my hand .... And I would watch it till the time I could see no more of it .. The most complicated thing in #life was Maths problem .The only moment I wanted to get away was when I broke something at home .. The biggest heart break was when I dint get the toy I waned .. The biggest dilemma was to chose between chocolate and vanilla .. Only time I cried was when I got bruised and a bandaid could completely fix it ..the biggest fear was getting haunted by ghost . And A piece of your favorite cake could make you feel like the happiest person on earth ..
I am certainly not a writer I just want to write stuff about I don't know everything. My #life is bizarre and my mind is like a sea so many things going on at the same time so I hope I ll be able to entertain all of you and at times amaze you people