After a lot of thinking he found a really Important piece of evidence which was so vital to the investigation it was the gun after they had checked it for finger prints it came out as the ................... Who do you think did it revealed tomorrow. A. The Butler B. The Maid C. The Husband D. The Neighbour Good Luck guessing.
Sky is blue. Grass is green. Sun is yellow. Flower is red . Grass blowing in the wind. While the sun is blazing down. Flower swishing in tune with the grass. And the sky is as blue as the sea. No it's night it has all calmed down. No more swishing or swaying. And the sea and sky are calm.
On the 2nd of January 1968 a crime was committed which brought shock to everyone but the only problem was that the killer was so good he hd left no evidence it was up to detective Stanley brown to solve the case he started by interviewing all the people around at the time of the murder. The Butler, Maid, Husband and the neighbour but he couldn't find a thing all they new so far was that it was a gun that killed her, that she was a female apartment store owner and she was killed on the second floor of the apartment store. But when the detective had a look at the body after questioning the suspects he noticed that a gun was missing because he went to the shop owners and asked them questions too and they said a gun was missing so he said to the doctor who was looking at the body too to see what gun the bullet was from but until he got the bullet result he couldn't do any thing about the case. After five days the results came back and it was the gun missing from the cabinet so the was definitely the murder weapon. End Of Part 1
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