MEE MMMMWWWWAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHAAAA Now that I have your attention, Well hi there!! New account blah de blah de blah. *insert magic following juice that will make you drop everything and follow me* This is Bex, the owner of @AVenus and co-owner of @SilverFeather so if you like more story stuff thats here and at @SilveFeather and more bloggish stuff go follow @AVenus. Or you could just make my day and follow me and me and me. Me X 3. Shout outs to first 5 followers <3 #prettycool ALSO FOLLOW MY IG: @thereadinggal. ahh enough follow me stuff for now. Obsessed with: ONE DIRECTION, Volleyball, Heartland, Doctor Who (super excited for Peter Capaldi (Doctor #12) also most food network shows. FANDOMS: Directioner, Whovian, Potterhead, THG, PJO, TFIOS, Hawk Nelson, etcetera, etcetera I've been saved by amazing grace and boatloads of crazy love <3! *sick and tired of writing about myself and would rather point it all up to my Savior* <3 thereadinggal BEX
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