How It Began(2)
Lorian waited by his brothers side for hours, he figured, might as well let him sleep if he just made his decent from the Beyond. He sat there legs crossed drawing things in his mind watching them fly around the room as if though thy were alive, and then just when he thought it would keep flying, and he could work on another astral projection. Though then the projection would just turn to dust as though it never had existed, for an odd reason this made his new mature brain mad, this is what made him the creator and me the stupid babysitter. The other Lorians where flying around finding the proper information on the Messengers parents, it was almost as though they were controlling themselves, it took him minimal amount of brain power to make one suddenly go invisible in flight, a new trick he had not needed until the time came.
This was good news, he didn't have twelve semi-gods flying around with a mind of there own, though it seems that mentally the clones were all here in his head, working as an ant colony working off of one brain. That is to say if he even had a brain anymore. Things from here on we're a mystery to him, sure he knew the basics but nothing was set in stone and they could always fail. Then the Creator would truly abandon the Humans to there fate.
This thought sent a shiver down my spine, although the humans were weak and nearly useless, they did nothing to deserve death, though the Messengers never have to kill a soul, so long a they did there jobs. But he knew one day they would all kill there share of Humans, he preferred to think of it as a cleansing, a way of harming humans that would end up benefiting them. Because no matter what they thought Humans were supposed to be good, tho work they've been living in ha made them feel each other in ways they weren't prepared for, made them value a dolor more than a #life. But they would change, it was just a matter of time, he had seen them do it hundreds of times, had also seen them commit vile acts of evil that would make the hardest man weep.
(1st person) Lorian
The man on the ground in front of me began to stir, his pale purple complected eyelids fluttered open and his pupils adjusted to the light, in the centers of his jade eyes. The man sat up, and met eyes with Lorian.
"Year?" the man asked rubbing some color back into his cheeks, examining the contents of his surroundings.
"2075, your a little late, but there's no time to argue about the fact, did the creator instill you with any powers at all?" because obviously flying wasn't one of them, the way he had plunged through the air- wow where had that come from? It didn't matter at the moment what he knew , it was weather or not my Brother knew more than me.
"My names Marith by the way, not that we need a friendly introduction, I've been watching you with Him for a long time now and Brother you have disappointed us." as the words fell from Mariths mouth, like water raging over the edge of a water fall, the blood drained from my face. "you've been wasting your time here but it does not matter much anymore now does it?"
Lorian shook his head, rage filled him, wasting my time? WASTING MY TIME!!? What did they expect when they had him live 2000 years as a damned child, and worse his brothers tone was one of revelry not informative, he took pride in the fact that he'd made me faulted even slightly. He was trying to Make me angry. I pushed the words Mission Accomplished, into his head and with a snap of my fingers we were flying upward through the framework of the old shack.
Light clouds cobbled around him spinning in fast circles under him making him look like he was coming out of a steam twister. His brother fought to adjust his flight pattern, a few more yards to the left and he would have taken out a passenger plane, but just as he made his adjustments, he flew face first into an oddly solid chunk of cloud and began plummeting to the earth again. I wanted to crush him to put him in the middle of one of my storms, that would make Katrina look like a cake walk. But I couldnt, I could however learn what Marith knew, so I screamed over the wind.
"You've offended me Marith, and though I was a. Little angry a second ago I'm willing-" my breath flew out of my mouth as if it were running from a great ball of fire, making sure it got out as soon as possible, as not to get eaten alive. I looked down and sticking out of my chest was a transparent black harpoon, I felt my body being pulled through the air toward Marith, throwing my hands back a bubble appeared around me cutting the indestructible cord dragging me towards my brother. I then looked down again at the rod sticking from my chest, and pulled it out in one ferocious, swift movement, making the black glass catch fire and engulf itself as it fell.
As the first harpoon fell millions of others filled the sky flying at me in a beautiful wave of black, I put one hand to my chest and felt my body being sucked into my palm felt the wound in my chest heal and then I opened my eyes. And set the sky on fire.
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