76% sugar
BOOM BOOM Again Her: I got a new 40" plasma tv, it's huge! Him: Mine isn't that big but it does the job. Me: That didn't sound rehearsed at all.
You'd Think She'd Know Better By Now Her: Why is this file in here? Me: I dunno. Her: Ah he just stuck it in the wrong box. Me: *snigger*
I Just Can't Help It Him: I ate a half-cooked sausage last wkend and sure enough I got sick. Her: Ugh. I hate raw sausage. (Spots me sniggering) What's so funny? Me: Nuh-uh. Too easy.
It's The Way He Tells 'Em Oo I'm just at the bit where Rambo says "uh wuh huh uh wuh wuh". Classic.
Think About It Has anyone else spotted that Rambo II is basically a total rip off of Hot Shots: Part Deux?
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