World Of Colours - Chaptet 3 Now I've moved into the apartment. The only other place that I can go is to the lab behind the door and mirrors. Today we begin. "Tom the fish that you have what species are they?" "These fish, well those two are angel fish and that one is a neon tetra" "don't you think their elegant. They glide so freely." "I suppose so. I've never noticed before." "You should really watch the small details. You know they've done this experiment before." "what experiment?" "even though I maybe naive I am not stupid. Each and every time the 'love' experiment. To test at each age how the love develops. In the end how the heart goes through despair and betrayal. Am I correct?" "who knows. Maybe I don't even know what's right or wring anymore." For hours she sat in front of the fish tank. Later on that evening she showed me a picture she drew. She had drawn what she remembered of her parents. It wasn't detailed and yet it still looked astonishing. She said she had many types of dreams but also had some terrifying nightmares. I do not how it is to be alone but this girl seems to make it her own. Now I can not see how to complete the task if she knows what it is. Unless...Yeah that could