Proper -Chapter 1 "Theodore-Fredrick Turner, the name feels like icing on the tip of ones tongue does it not?" a bubbling giggle escaped her mouth "The wine that man drinks should be forced into the mouths of all the bachelors in Hampshire!" Regina Hemswieght fanned herself and pouted at the crowd like a panther stalking it's pray. Regina Hemswieght, daughter of the notorious Walter Hemswieght, was the vision of English beauty. Every man wanted her, every woman wanted to be her. She had the palest skin always dusted in a light layer of make up making her scarlet lips ever more prominent. Her hair was always arranged in an elaborate fashion, blond curls arranged at the back of her head was this evening masterpiece. "I should hope they give some of that wine to The Duke of Lumphingnt!" Henrietta Franthinco giggled her eyes sparkling at the sight of Regina. "Ugh! Imagine that bag of cats becoming some poor girl's husband" Regina spat "I should expect he would look quite fine after the wine has done it's work" Henrietta mumbled in an attempt to regain herself. "Well you might as well marry him if you are that obsessed with him, Henrietta!" Regina spat, causing Henrietta to blush in humiliation. "The Duchess of Lumphignt! Just imagine it Henrietta, your children would come out like old men!" Josephine Flanders giggled, causing Henrietta to sink into her seat. It is at times like these that I wonder why I tolerate these quibbling girls so often. I often never get a word in, I would stand up for little Henrietta Franthinco, if I wasn't so bored by their presence. Mother dragged me to these events frequently in an effort to find me a husband. Mother tolerates my spending time with Regina Hemswieght, because she sees her as my ticket into the social world. "Felicity Marie Constance Bajoria, will you dance with me this evening?" a voice said from behind me. The group of babbling girls then stopped and gawped at the owner. "Can a carriage ride without a horse?" I said, not bothering to glance at the intruder. The girls gasped in horror at my remark and many of them lunged toward the man behind me in an effort to comfort him. "But a man can walk" came his swift reply "But he has a broken leg and an ugly face" I then shot back "He can hop" "Who wants to dance with a hopping pig?" I laughed, finally turning to the voice, who I had from the start known the holder. "I would Mr Turner" Regina sang, holding a finger to hoer teeth and flapping her eyelashes like an angels wings. "I do not take kindly to being refused, Miss Bajoria" Theodore said ignoring Regina "And I do not take kindly to being abused Mr Turner. Go and hop with Miss Hemswieght, she always has had the characteristics of a rabbit" I smiled waiting for the groups reaction of tutting and gasping. "I do not wish to dance with a rabbit on this occasion, hold my reservation to highest priority. I shall bid you adieu my fine ladies"
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