Love is something that can control the mind. It can make you see someone as perfect, when they're nowhere close. The wrath of love takes it toll when you find someone that is wrong for you, but you choose to follow that path anyways because you feel like it could change. But not all love is like that, and not all love is wrathful. Sometimes, it takes a positive form, and drapes itself over the ones that the deserve the kind of love that is opposite of wrath - the ones that are pure and know the difference from right and wrong, the ones that deserve the feelings of warmth, kindness and comfort. They will be granted the opportunity to gain someone in their lives that are as close to perfect for them as they could get. Someone who understands them, someone they can trust, someone that loves them for who they are, and ultimately someone who they can share their whole lives with. Many, who are very deserving of this love, are granted more than just one person to love them. They are granted many, in which they take the forms of friends, family, and of course their soul mate. Those who gain true friends from this type of love will never lose them, not for anything - they will forever be trusted and there for each other (and the same goes for family members and soul mates). But then you must remember, that the ones that do not deserve love, will never receive the opportunity to gain that. That is why there are some people that never find their soul mates, or never have true friends - because their actions in their lives have made them unable to gain such love from others. Their soul mates will find others that are deserving of their love. That being said, one can relieve the wrath of love if they make effort into creating a pureness in their hearts again, if they so wish to and if their pureness hasn't vanished completely. If it has, they then have no chance in releasing the wrath from their souls - they must live with the consequences. If the steps to gaining the purity of their souls have been taken, then they have as much of an opportunity for love as those who were never in the wrath. And those that have been blessed with the opportunity of love will be guided to their friends, family, and soul mates - but remember, all paths have a few bumps along the way!