Writing Writing has always been a part of my #life. There's always been this unknown force that keeps drawing me to the idea of taking a pen and sheet of paper to write my dreams, my ideas, my #poems, my love. But over the years I've noticed that I've written less and less, not necessarily for a lack of inspiration (I've plenty of that, even if it usually comes at the oddest of hours both in the day and night), but for a lack of time. I suppose this could just be another excuse. I am, after all, a hopeless procrastinator and an even worse case as a hopeless dreamer. I'd rather dream and live in those dreams rather than to write down all that I dream. Sometimes I'm a warrior, sometimes a delicate lady, another a modern woman and another a cynical ice queen of sorts. I am in truth all these, and more. Dreaming let's me explore all the possibilities and at the same time realize all the impossibilities. This is why dreaming and writing used to come hand in hand to me. If I couldn't write my dreams, yet could not live them in reality.. would that not be a waste of a dream? A waste of a dream is what I used to think. That's why whenever I dreamt a beautiful dream, and once, or twice, even a most terrifying one, I wrote every single detail I could remember down (maybe not always on a piece of paper but you get the idea). But, after long hours of contemplation, what I realized is that the reason for my frustration whenever I couldn't write was not because I felt it was a waste of a good idea or story. A story can be as good as any other as long as it is told; it doesn't necessarily have to be written to be so. It was the fact that I am quite forgetful that I wanted to write each and every message my muse gives me. I don't want to forget. I refuse to. But, alas, fate has it's own plan. Becoming forgetful is already a part of me and is one of the many things that define me. So, I write. I will write, and continue to do so even if I never finish my stories or my lines. The beginning is always the important part, I think. But an open-ended ending.. now that's an adventure all on its own. Writing has always been a part of my #life since I was young. Therefore, writing will always be a part of me even till the moment my hands can no longer move, or my lips have become too numb to speak. It's a part of who I am, and I refuse to let go.
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