Rogue Hunter I walked on the sidewalk tracking the smell of human blood hopefully it wasn't like that last time with the girl just thinking about it makes me gag a little. I continued hunting for the damned beast who attacked a couple on their honeymoon way to ruin a moment the word the people said were very explicit words I didn't even know existed. I heard a low scream as the smell of blood became stronger as I walked down a dark alley as the scream became a low mumble. I walked past a overflowing dumpster as the rotten garbage hit my enhance smell like a freight train as the urge to throw up made me gag. I walked past the gross garbage and whatever else was in the alley and looked at the predator who was still fucking and draining the poor human girl. I pulled my twin fairbairn-sykes knives out of their leather holster and silently and stealthily walked closer to the beast as his head shot up and I went into the shadows blending well with my black attire. He sniffed the air and his snake like eyes darted in my direction and he instantly launched his self at me he was snapping his teeth at me while trying to rip my leather skinny legs off as I felt something hard pressing against my thigh. I hissed at the gross realization of what was ruining my new leather jeans. He had both my hand over my head and his waist between my legs I struggled as I digged the heel of my boot in his leg and he let out a shriek and threw me against a dumpster. I stood up and grabbed the twin daggers off the ground and heaved one into the beast head. I began walking over to the thing as it fell to the ground I leaned down next to the beast as I used my one gloved hand to yank the dagger out of its head and used my other hand to take the powdery substance out of my pocket and used my teeth to yank the cork of the bottle and began pouring the powder on his body and instantly his body melted into nothing. I walked out of the alleyway and headed to my Lamborghini near the curb of the sidewalk. I unlocked the door and easily slid into the leather seat as I slipped the key into the ignition and began taking the leather jacket and black tank top off and threw both items in the backseat and grabbed the black shirt with the words fang-banger across it in crimson writing. I put the car in drive and pulled out of the spot and began driving down the near empty road seeing it was 40 in the morning. My phone ringed in the passenger seat and I switched my hand on the steering wheel and grabbed my phone and pressed the talk icon on the smart phone. "Dylan where the hell are you. "Hi to you to Victoria. "Where are you. "Headed home I guess. "What were you doing up this early. "Couldn't sleep. "So you left at 40 in the morning. "No 20. I let down the window as Victoria ranted on the phone about how dangerous it is to go out this late are early since it is 40 AM. As the wind blew my hair wildly a picked up the sweet tang of blood drifting in the air as I pulled my car on a curb and pressed my phone to my ear. "Victoria I'll call you in a few. I hung up the phone and walked into a restaurant hearing a scream as I walked in the place and it smelled like a massacre. I walked farther in as my flat leather boots splashed in a substance puddled on the floor. I looked around and looked at a tall figure standing over a girl. I lifted my hand and angle the 9mm in my hand and walked closer to him and instantly slipped in the crimson substance under my feet staining my favorite shirt and losing my gun. I began standing up and looked at the masculine male who's cold crimson eyes stared at me. He was instantly at least 4 feet in front of me and he opened his mouth and I looked at his blood stained fangs I felt a wave of nausea in my stomach and held back a gag. He walked closer and I took a step back noticing the anger glowing in his red eyes. "Human I won't hurt you I'm just going to erase your memory. He reached out and was about to touch me but I punched him in the nose and smiled at the satisfying crunch of his now broken nose. His hand instantly flew to his bloody nose. "You little bitch. He reached for me again and I kicked him in the balls making him fall to floor. "Brother now How could you let a human- Before he could finish his sentence I threw my dagger at him and it plunged into his shoulder making blood squirt on the already bloody floor. I kicked him in the stomach making him fall on his back and I put my hand on the handle of the dagger and threw it in the neck of the approaching vampire. He slammed into the wall as he tried to pull the blade out of his throat but what he didn't know about the dagger that it has spike that latches on anything inside the body until the owner pulls it out. I pulled my other dagger out and looked at the smirking vampire as the restaurant door opened and a redhead vampire female walked in. I sighed as the female bared her fangs at me and suddenly two arms wrapped around me and I slammed my head into the vampire behind me. He hissed at me and his grip loosened and I turned around and used my arms to free myself and kicked him in the stomach and before he landed on his back on the floor I grabbed the handle of the dagger and yanked it out and threw it at the females heart making her fall to the floor on her back. The other vampire let out a growl and I held my dagger tightly in my hand as I heard shuffling behind me obviously the other vampire was back up and was behind me because I could feel his heated anger rolling off him like molten lava. I instantly twisted around and slit his throat when suddenly two arms wrapped around my waist and I began struggling to free myself in the tight grip of the masculine male. "Calm down I'm not going to hurt you. "Really oh I should totally trust you even though were standing in the blood of your victim oh by the way you owe me a new shirt. "Ha your cute human but right now I'm the only one standing between two very pissed and very hungry vampires so take a chill pill and calm down. "Like I would be afraid of two blood junkies. "Really ok well you just deal with my brother while I check on the girl you stabbed. I dramatically gasped and would've put my hand over my mouth if this bloodsucker wasn't holding me. "Oh my god please I'm so scared Haha I kicked your brothers ass and your sister without getting one scratch on my pretty blonde head so please drop the "I'm the only person who can save you" shit because I'm not afraid of your brother your sister and most definitely not you. "You entertain me human. I heard a growl from the rising beast infront of me as the guy let me go. "Oh by the way you won't need this. He yanked my dagger out of my hand and walked away to aid his sister when suddenly I was picked up and thrown into a pair of swinging door. I slammed into I guess a stove when I saw the silver of my 9mm shinning in the moonlight. I quickly grabbed it and quietly went out of the building and walked to the fire scape and crawled up the ladder as I got on the roof and took a nice seat on the it the back door flew off the hinges and was now across the lot. "Where are you human. I sighed at the dumb fact of vampires and their pride how stupid are you to say something telling me exactly where you are I could've killed him then but I like to play with my victims. He looked around for me as I got off the roof and blended into the shadows. He disappeared and I could feel him behind me. He turned me around and held me up by my throat as I looked in his eyes waiting for the expected. "Brother wait I like this one. "And. "I want her she entertains me. "I think bleeding her dry would be more entertaining. "Brother. "Fine keep the bitch but if she cross my path I'll end her. "Ok. He instantly threw me into something hard which knocked me out instantly and darkness developed me. ------------------- I woke up with a adrenaline rush as I noticed I was tied to a chair with rope again how stupid can vampires be. I lifted my foot off of the floor and used my tied down hand to pull the hidden dagger out of my boot and cut the rope and walked in the dungeon like place and found a door. I twisted the knob and slowly ascended from the horrible excuse of a dungeon. I walked into a piece of shit decorated living room all old and boring no new stuff just antiques old boring crap. I heard footstep somewhere and noticed a opened window I quickly ran to the window and jumped out and was now outside in the rain. I walked off of the vampire property and began walking the long journey home.
Sienna Williamson
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