Love At First Sight-7 Chapter:7 ----------------------------- "Are you alright?" Kai asked, Olivia looked up and shook her head no. Kai started to walk to her but she backed away "I won't hurt you." he said with a smile. "Promise?" Olivia asked in a small voice, "I promise." he answered, he walked toward her again and sat down beside her. They both sat there without a word then Olivia spoke up "Thanks for finding me." even though it was dark Kai saw that she was blushing. "I'm sorry." Kai said Olivia stared at him and she hugged him "I will let it go just this once." she said in a whisper. Kai reached out and touched her foot, Olivia winced. "you shouldn't run in heels." Kai said with a smile. Kai stood up and put his hand out Olivia grabbed it and tried to stand "lets get you home." he said, and they walked to her house. ( ̄▽ ̄)( ´ ▽ ` )ノ(^_^) To be continued........maybe ;P
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