Star Children This is a story plot. Aura, the mother of the stars once had children, who were known as the children of the stars. But one day they were stolen and left on earth. They live on earth, not knowing what they are. Until one day Aura becomes strong enough to send a message through and it is this " You aren't ordinary children, you are children of the stars and my children. The earths people will soon find out and you will be on the run. Find three of you and practise together for a couple of months and get the Moon herb, each take a bite of this and hold hands, chant the teleportion spell and you will arrive with me," Aura was right, one of them let it slip and now there on the run and need to do as she says.
There was a English man, a Scottish man and a Irish man and they found a magic slide. The English man went down and said " Gold," and landed in a pot of gold. The Scottish man went down and said " Silver," and landed in a pot of silver. But the Irish man didn't know it was a magic slide and said " Weeeee," and landed in a pot of wee!