My Teacher I walked into the class room ,there he lay dead with a bottle of larger in his hand and a gun in the other .he had blood dripping out his mouth! What should I do? I stood there in shock , people walked in the class room my boyfriend caught me as I fell. This is NOT a true.
French Kiss Once upon a time in a common place called England there was a wealthy boy called robbie and a pretty girl called deanna. On the eighteenth of October two thousand and thirteen there was a Halloween disco and deanna wanted a date to go with.There was this boy called robbie who she fancied.That day she asked her best friend Gemma to ask him for her witch she did. The answer was a "yes" deanna was over the moon.After lunch deanna once again was on the role , she also asked him if they could be a couple witch once again he said yes . At the end of the day when the disco began the dj announced there would be a snowball witch deanna and robbie took part what they had to o was they had to do a slow dance Then suddenly they... They kissed like a romantic rose.the hole school looked at them and some of the girls were jealousies. After that amazing advent they have been girl friend and boyfriend up to this day. This was a true story about me I really love him xxxxxxx<3
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