The Sea Monster Long long ago there lived two kids there names was Ben and Molly. One day Ben and Molly went out to play and they found a boat so they got in the boat and paddled far out to see after a while Ben felt a bump under him so he looked under his chair and nothing was there then Molly felt a bump under her chair and nothing was then. Just then Molly looked under the boat and saw a sea monster she gasped and screamed and said a sea monster under the boat so Ben looked under the boat and the sea Monster jumped up at him Ben said hi little sea monster are you lost Molly watched Ben carefully. Later that day the little sea monster took Ben and Molly back home Ben and Molly said bye to the sea monster Ben said to Molly well isn't that sea monster nice Molly said yes of course that sea monster is so friendly.Mum we are home Molly Ben where have you been Ben said we saw a boat and went in it then Molly said and we saw a little friendly sea monster Molly Ben bed time Molly and Ben walked up stairs carefully Molly said to Ben good night then Ben said good night Molly. The next day Molly woke Ben up and they went down stairs with there mum Molly said mum me and Ben are going out to play.Molly and Ben said good bye and closed to door with a bang. Later that day Molly and Ben came home hi mum said Molly hello Molly how was your friend sea monster Molly said he is fine Ben said mum what's for tea Ben's mum says chucking and mash molly says yummy. The next day Molly and Ben set off to see the sea monster on there way they see a little girl crying Molly said what's wrong the little girl said I'm lost and I have no friends Ben said don't worry we will be your friends the little girl stops crying and smiles at Ben and Molly the little girl said my name is Roxy I'm Ben I'm Molly so Molly,Ben and Roxy went home THE END
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