My Story So Far..... CHAPTER 1 They woke up one by one sleep in their eyes. It took several minutes before anyone noticed. "AAA!" Hisoka sreamed, everyone looked at her, "get out of my room" she yelled at them "Calm down" excliamed hisoka. "Hey guys look at this" said Nyssa. It was a note. ------------------------------------------ HELLO CHILDREN, You have been chosen to save the are the only ones left But dont worry your families are safe We have all evacuated to mars. Good luck we are counting on you Yours faithfully the world ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below was the other half of the note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOBS LAZUKI= chef SUKI=decorater NYSSA=head of tech HISOKA=house keeping SHIEMI=head of food KACONIA=clothes and shoe buyer KARIAN=head of environent MEI=gaurd MIRAJANE= car keeper. ------------------------------------------ ''Ok lets get to work'' said Mirajane ''Wait this means we can drive cars'' Said shiemi throwing on clothes ''Lazuki come with me and get some food'' shouted shiemi from the other room. 1 hour later they reterned ,it was noon Lazuki made soup with bread rolls everyone was silent. There was a knock on the door ''Nyssa get the door please'' asked kaconia. Nyssa went out to see who it was then came back ''um you can come in now'' she said ,a tone of shyness in her voice, Lazuki screamed. CHAPTER 2 '' AA Gray-sama''screamed Lazuki Gray stepped back ''Welcome''said Karian and then she explained . Erza stepped forward and explained why they where there. ''Lazuki have you got any cake?'' Asked natsu and Erza in union '' yes'' replied Lazuki hesitantly. ''HAPPY'' shouted Lazuki he had taken the fish from the freezer and they where everywhere ''Suki,''said sting''is this your house?'' ''No'' replied suki. There was a crash from upstairs. It was laxus ''oh ma god''screamed nyssa nearly defening everone then fainting. ''I have a message from the master'' he pulled 9 vitals out of his pocket and gave each girl one he told them to drink them. They downed them and got a tingly sensation''What was that?''Asked Mei "They are magic potions so now you all have magic powers, go ahead try them out.'' Said laxus After a hour of destructive mayhem They reterned home ''we have to go now'' said erza ''but we are going to have a house each around your one ok?'' ''Ok''Hisoka replied cheerfully Lazuki made roast chicken and chocolate cake then they went to bed. The next day Nyssa and kaconia went shopping Mira and Mei went with them they went to bristol and got 20 mackbooks and windows 10 for each ,new bed covers, 2 62inch tvs and 3 new cars. lazuki, Shiemi and suki were practacing there powers with erza, natsu, lucy and grey in the feilds. At home Hisoka And Karian were making tea and coffe When there was a knock on the door. It was rouge and lyon. CHAPTER 3 "Thats enough training for one day" Said Gray. They walked home. They got through the door "LYON!" "GRAY!" They started to fight, then Natsu joined,Erza had to take them away from eachother. "Hi im rouge." "Oh ma god, rouge!" Exlamed karian before fainting. Mai poured a bucket of water on her "Wha.."said Karian before rushing out of the room "What is wrong with her?" Asked rouge CHAPTER 4. It was 6am Mira went downstairs made a coffe and went into the lounge. Then she screamed and nearly dropped her coffe. she thought that meeting them yesterday was a dream. All the others came running down. " calm down" exlamed lucy shocked "Anyway open gate of the dog .. Plue!" "Aww he's so cute!" Said karian "Lucy stop taking all the attention" mumbled natsu. Everyone went out to do their jobs. Lazuki and gray where the only ones left in the house they sat in silence but with the silence their relationship improved * brrring brrring* Lazuki's phone went of " hi ,yes, ok,straight away, byee" " who was it?" Asked gray " just suki" answered Lazuki blushing (Omg he's talking to me she thought) "Anyway can i help you with your training? I know the perfect place!" Said gray "Ok i'd love to" said Lazuki When they got there they heard people talking so they hid in the trees. It was suki and sting walking hand in hand and laughing when suddenly sting knelt down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket it was a ring " suki, will you marry me?" He asked "Yes!" Replied suki Sting and suki kissed then walked off into the distance CHAPTER 5 Just then the branch Lazuki was on broke and gray grabbed just in time and held her close till they got down. just then the cherry trees shook in the wind and the blossom fell around them. Gray took the opotunity and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek then walked away lazuki just stood there stunned but happy, her heart burning. Back home kaconia and gajeel were in deep conversation when Lazuki walked in lovestruck and collapsed on the sofa and saw gray wink at her out of the corner of eye 30 mins later the door opened and sting and suki walked in, everyone was eating lunch, "listen up everyone we have something to say, we are engaged!" Erza nearly choked and natsu laughed CHAPTER 6 They woke up with the sun and went downstairs. shiemi and suki had fallen alsleep on the sofas with the tv on and headphones playing music on full volume. "Wake up"shouted Mei They didnt wake up she pulled the headphones off and shouted again "WAKE UP" "5 more minuits" slurred suki "Im up,Im up"replied shiemi " its morning suki" said sting. the smell of coffe and and tea woke them up more.* crash* lazuki ran into the kitchen "Natzu what are you doing?" She asked "Umm nothing" replied natzu spraying crumbs everywhere "Natzu get down from there now" said Erza " Aye sir!" Replied Natsu "Remember people,tonights the talent show!" Reminded sting "Ok." "bye im going to practice" Said nyssa CHAPTER 7 Nyssa was practacing in a cafe in the loft, so she didn't hear laxus come in, he went to find out was the singing was and found out it was Nyssa, he stood in the shadows waching until she was finished "You have a lovely voice" he said taking her by suprise "How long have you been standing there?!" She asked "About 15 minuits" said laxus "Cool, well i have to go" "Ok! See you around" And nyssa walked off. Back home suki and lazuki where planning the decorations and the food. kaconia had gone out to buy everyone some fancy clothes when she walked into shiemi and lyon. They were making ice statues for the talent show. "Wach out!" *smash* " oh great now we will have to start again!" Exlamed shiemi "Sorry" said kaconia trying to pick the pieces and put them together "Dont worry" said shiemi "Oh by the way you still haven't told me what outfits you want" said kaconia "A light blue dress" "Ok!" "Bye" said shiemi and lyon in sync And kaconia walked off When it was time for the talent show to start everyone was exited there were 5 Acts .nyssa singing .cana drinking 2 barrels of wine in 10 seconds .natsu and happy doing fire tricks .gray and lyon making ice animals ect .and karian doing impresionations of animals Mei and mira had to drag cana of stage, she drank 5 barrels of wine in 20 seconds, because she was drunk.It was a good show and in the end nyssa won, gray and lyon came second and natsu and happy came third. CHAPTER 8 Karian, lazuki,shiemi and hisoka were busy all day getting the arengments ready for suki and sting When they fineshed they had spent from 6:50am to 1am the next day to finish The next day the girls woke up and started helping suki get ready for the day ahead and the same happened to sting but he told them to go away because he was already ready. At quater to nine everyone was seated in the isles waiting for suki it was a warm sunny day with a cool breeze and the flowers were colourfull and attracted butterflys. 090 suki walked down the isle 12:30 the married couple, suki and sting, were listening as erza was making a speech about family, loyalty and trust. 120pm suki and sting were off on a honeymoon in london. CHAPTER 9 Gray and lazuki were walking in the country, it was a hot day and gray had already striped, when they came across a lake it sparkled in the sun. "This has to be the pure water lake that shiemi was talking about!" Said lazuki. "Here is a great place to have to picknick" yelled gray from about 2 meaters away. He was right it was half under the sun and half in the shade and not to close to the lake. Lazuki jumped into the water it was cool and refreshing . Gray jumped in after her. after 30 minuits they had finished the food and swimming and were walking home their clothes soaked. Meanwhile suki and sting were filling up the pool it was 20ft circle and so far had taken one and a half hours to fill up it was at 3/4 aproxamately. When mira and nyssa came out with lemonade and popcicles. Gray and lazuki went inside only to see everyone having a pool party in the backyard. Lazuki went outside to join the others while gray just wached from upstairs planning something. For the next 3 weeks it was too hot to stand outside without having you foot burned so they had to wear trainers to get to the pool but because of the heat wave they had to put ice in the pool water to make sure it was cool and not boiling. CHAPTER 10 "Here you are nyssa open it!" Said lucy "And mine" said nasu "And mine too!" Said happy "Thanks guys!" Replied nyssa "Happy birthday nyssa" said laxus giving her a heart shaped present That is what it was like for the rest of the day. Nyssa saved laxus' present for last when she was alone it was a tin of all the things she likes and a card saying: Happy birthday nyssa Love, laxus XoxoX Nyssa stored this in her secret draw and went down stairs it was pitch black she found her way into the lounge when suddenly the lights turned on and everyone jumped out shouting " happy birthday nyssa!" Shiemi brought in the cake and laxus lit the candles Nyssa blew them out and made a wish then cut the cake and everyone got a slice. CHAPTER 11 Gajeel and kaconia were in town when They walked into each other "ouch!" Said kaconia rubbing her head "sorry are you ok?" Asked gajeel "Oh its you gajeel!" Said kaconia "Yep i'm just getting a valentine gift for someone" "Cool, who are you getting it for?" asked kaconia "Can't tell it's a suprise" replied gajeel "Well bye" said gajeel walking off "Bye!" Said kaconia Bach home suki was making valentine lockers for everyone "The way it works is that you find the locker that belongs to the person you want to give it to and put in in there without anyone looking and it doesn't have to be signed 'secret admierer'" anounced suki whilst everyone was in one room. CHAPTER 12 Everyone went to there valentine lockers and got the things people had put in it Lazuki got a mini ice statue of a bear holding a heart engraved with 'i love you' Suki got roses and a box of chocolates Shiemi got a pikachu Karian got a letter from a secret admierer Kaconia got a teddy Mei got a fire heart Nyssa got a lightning bolt engraved with be mine xoxox Hisoka got a vase of flowes from a secret admierer CHAPTER 13 -------------------------------------- 16th september MISS FAIRY TAIL CONTEST Please put your name down to Enter .Nyssa .Lucy .Levy .Lazuki .Mei .mirajane -------------------------------------- "Good luck!" Shiemi said then rushed into the crowd "Hello and welcome to the MISS FAIRY TAIL CONTEST!" Announced Jet "our first contestant is...NYSSA!" "I will do a dance in hounour of fairy tail!" Said nyssa then she started to dance "Thank you nyssa, ok next up is lucy!"announced jet "Me and my spirits will do a cheerleading dance!" Said lucy *music* "Ok! Next is our amazing levy!!!" Said jet. "YOU CAN DO IT LEVY!!!" Shouted Droy from the croud "I am going to do magic for you!" Said levy *snow* * fire* * rain* "Well done levy! Next is lazuki!" "I will sing a song" said lazuki *singing*. Lazuki got of the stage "you are amazing" said a voice from behind "Thanks gray!" Replied lazuki *" love you "* he wispered in her ear then gave her a kiss and walked of "amazing so next is mei" 'I will preform a fire act" *heat* " and last but not least mira" " i will do a mashup of songs" *music*. Ten minuits later: "Thanks for voting and the winner is ,in a draw, LEVY AND LAZUKI!" Levy cheered and lazuki was shocked CHAPTER 14 *knock* *knock* They were in the middle of lunch "I will get it" said shiemi rushing out to see who it was she shouted "GRAY, LYON COME HERE QUICK" she shouted they ran out to see who it was. They walked back in the lounge the looked shocked as they collapsed on the sofa. Shiemi walked in with a stranger "Guys meet Ul !"She said hesitently "Oh my god, how did you survive?" Asked nyssa " i used a ice figure."replied Ul "I belived you were that ice for years!" Said gray reducing to tears. kaconia rushed out to get tissues "Gray, lyon please dont be mad at me" said Ul "3 years wasted, because i wanted to surpass you" Lyon said under his breath " now i can surpass you much more easily than back then" he wispered smiling "Lyon are you ok?" Asked shiemi " yeah im fine" he replied CHAPTER 15 "So mei whats your job again?" Asked natsu "The guard. it's boring all you do is stand there!" Replied mei "Do you want to help you with my shift tonight?" She asked "Ok sure. Wait is this a trick to go out on a date with me?" Said natsu "No?!" Replied mei " cool see you then!" And he walked off *YES we get to spend a night together outside,watching out for evil guys, but at least we have all that time*thought mei That night: "Wheres happy?" "He's asleep!" "Beautifull night isn't it ?" "Yep aren't we supposed to be on guard?" Asked natsu pulling his scarf around his mouth and making a gun shape with his hands "We are ninja" he said Mei laughed "Finaly i made you laugh!" Said natsu CHAPTER 16 "Shiemi! A letter for you!" Shouted Kaconia. "coming!" Replied Shiemi as she took the letter and returned to her room. She read it slowly, again and again but she couldn't change what it said for the rest of the day she remaind silent. "What's the matter shiemi?" Asked karian At lunch "nothing" she replied quietly she left the table and went upstairs. CHAPTER 17 *Two weeks later* "Lazuki, have you seen shiemi?"asked suki "No, last time I saw her it was two weeks ago." Replied lazuki "I think it might have something to do with this letter." Said kaconia holding a sheet of paper "What is that?" Asked lazuki "She always photocopys the letters she gets incase she loses one. It was on her bed, how did you not see it?" Replied kaconia "I think you should read it." She said handing it to the others "what, you made this up didn't you her whole family can't have been killed" Exlamed suki "sadly not. But I haven't a clue where she is." Said kaconia "What's the matter?"asked Natsu "shiemi has been missing for two weeks and still hasn't returned and your asking whats up?!!" Said lazuki enraged "lazuki calm down!" Said nyssa "i've searched the whole of Burnham but no sight of her, sorry." Said nyssa CHAPTER 18 "Ok, we will split up into teams. Team one Lazuki, nyssa, gray and laxus are in Bristol.Team two suki, lyon, sting and mira are in Berrow. Team three mei, natsu, kaconia, karian, rouge and me will go to london got it? Ok lets set of."said hisoka "dibs on the blue car!" Said karian. CHAPTER 19 *ring,ring* "Hello? Oh ok." "Who was that?"asked mei "It was lazuki shiemi's not in burnham but they found juvia in one of the houses. And none of the cars were gone so she couldn't be here.we are heading back now." Replied hisoka. *ring,ring* "Yep ok" said hisoka "Suki's group?"asked karian "Yep they haven't found her either and now lyon has gone missing!" Replied hisoka "What! How?" Exlamed kaconia "Something weird's going on."said natsu. *earlier that day in suki's group* "here we are. Ok lyon you go look in houses, mira look at brean down, sting you look in all the outdoor area's and i'll look around the doctors got that?" Said suki "yep" they said running of in different directions."Shiemi where are you!" Shouted lyon, he looked at the piece of paper suki had given him it read *14 penmoore road* "if suki was right she should be in this house" *click* the door opened easily. "Hello?" Shouted lyon *ring* "suki? Yes come to that addres you told me about it was unlocked! See you soon" he walked through the hall and was suddenly grabbed from behind and knocked out. "Lyon? Where are you?" Shouted sting "sting come here!" Shouted mira "what?" Asked sting and suki "This windows broken and the back gates open also there's a trace of blood on the carpet!" "I'm ringing hisoka this is getting out of hand!" CHAPTER 20 "What, where am i?" Said lyon, he could see the clock it said 12pm, something in the shade moved "Hello?" He said *silence* "I know" said a voice "what?" Asked lyon "I know your secret" said the voice "what secret?" He said "about you and HER" the voice replied "her? Wait Juvia?"he gasped "you finally figured it out" the voice said as it chucked something onto the floor in front of him "I sorted her out." It said "JUVIA" lyon gasped pushing her hair out of her face there were knife wounds and blood all over her "why did you do this?" Asked lyon "the others found her, it would be no good if your little secret got out." Said the voice stepping out of the shadows "wha-"he was speechles "how?" "How you ask. I saw you multiple times in burnham together but you only went out at night.oh dont worry she'll be fine." Said the voice she was holding a bloodstained knife "what do you want from me?" Asked lyon "i want you to keep all this a secret and if you tell..." She dragged the blunt edge of the knife across her kneck "... Got it? Now scram. I'll return her once she's healed."