We Cannot Be Apart From Love Love is us, it is our essence. There is nothing that is not Love. It only appears so, to a human mind that believes the possibility of being apart from all that is. That has a notion of sides, of dark light, love hate, peace war - and yet there are no such divisions. There is only one whole, one love, one light, one peacefulness. We cannot be apart from Love. It is everywhere present. It is the very stuff from which all #life is formed and the very air that all #life breathes and shares. There is no darkness that can overcome the light of Love. No trouble that the light of Love cannot ease. No mountain that the strength of love cannot surmount. It is is in reflecting on Love, that we remember its true nature as our own. And then, all we want to do, is be that love, and share that love. To honour and be that, which is the truest expression of our Self.