Picnic Setting 1-Stuck inside a house, bored. Mum: (softly) It's a great day, how about we go for a picnic? Jenny: (excitedly) Oh boy! I'd love to go for a picnic! Sam: (excitedly) Yea' that sounds great! Dad: Well, off we go to Sunnyside Park! Scene 2-Inside the red, rusty car on the way to Sunnyside park for a picnic. Sam: (whining) Mummm, Jenny is pinching me! Jenny: (whining) Daddddd, Sam is hitting me! Dad & Mum: (sternly) Stop it, both of you, or we'll be turning around and going straight back home. Sam: (bored) Are we there yet? Dad: No! Jenny: (bored) Are we there yet? Mum: No! Scene 3-Sunnyside Park, having a picnic Dad: (shocked) Wow! It is a great day! Mum: (shocked) I know, isn't it great? Sam & Jenny: Yea'! Mum, Dad, Sam & Jenny: I'm hungry, can we eat now!?
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