Is It Worth It We are all born the same way,when I was born I had nothing as years have past I thought I have a looked in my bank account and I am so happy I still got most of it left, Yes nothing no one is better than me We are equal because his bank account or house,car whatever is bigger ,we all go out the same way we burn or rot in the ground because you have money you're thinking you get a gold ticket and the lighting brighter the soils fine like power No that's one thing you can't buy, So why is it the people think they are better and place themselves in a class pushing to be higher up away from their roots, I seen it over the years one person I know I won't say too much we were close walked past me talking to her posh friends like I was a ghost it made me look back I felt sorry for her ,It hurt me but I learned a lot from her just stearin as she walked away my God it's funny one day their scratching their ass picking the nose like a pig getting drunk peeing in a door ways throwing up, Then money left or won giving to them ,New house car to match posh Now Time to ditching friends who you hung out with as a small child, You can have it I don't want it it will come back to you and you're going too ask yourself were did I come from it will hit you hard the friends you pushed away who loved you cared about you The street you were brought up in your to posh to say it on your death bed everything taken away all it's there is a lonely shadow of a person who had everything, I am all for it get on with #life make cash get things now you can afford ,Not displayed it like I am it and you shit. so ,, if you have proof you go to a better posher pace in death prove it the worms who clean me from the soil I lay in is the same worm you get, The gas in the crematorium is the same your wont get a bigger flames because look I have money,I know one thing me I have friends around me I love and grew up as a child ,there standing around me on the day so keep your money I will work making a wage if I am lucky enough unlikely did come into big cash I keep the #life style I am in the only change will be it will stop me worrying about can I or how can I pay this That's all IxIwantwantwant,
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