I'm 12 and happy to share snippets of stories and jokes ;) the younger the fresher 8)
Best Friends 2 A friend is someone who asks politely for food, a best friend is someone who stuffs there face full of your food without asking.
Best Friend A friend is someone who will pick you up when you fall, a best friend is someone who laughs then picks you up
Snail Joke What do you call a snail on a boat? - a snailor
Don't Give Up When you give up it means you never tried
Dolphins Did you know that dolphins are so clever that within a few weeks they can train someone to stand at the Side and throw them fish!!
Arkadaşlık etmek istediğinden emin misin?
Bu üyeyi ailenden kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?
poked var Rubyisapenguin
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