The Edge I'm thinking about writing an adventure/fantasy about a bookworm who falls down the biggest cliffhanger and is pulled into the biggest climax of her #life Here is my chapter one ......................... Maisy lay in bed,her notebook was empty and her pen was chewed to a state in which it could no longer be called a pen. "writers block."she mumbled to herself, a phrase she found herself using too much. Unlike most girls of her age, maisy wouldn't spend her weekend buying clothes or perminantly glued to the tv. To her the best thing in the world ws to either be lost in a book or to be loosing other people in her crazy fantasies. Today though maisy was not flying on dragons with Harry potter or introducing someone to her imaginary book characters.she was doing homework. An essay on French vocabulary had got her (with little hesitation) she decided to go for a walk. Today the wind was crazy and whilst her long loose hair was more like a kite in the wind her thought were,as always, down to earth. Her phone was going"ding ding ding da dong"went her ringtone and she cautiously picked up notesing it was an unknown number. A thin raspy was on the other end."you have just walked into a #life of danger! Now I am going you will take my place, we have chosen you, don't Be scared of the future!"
Daha fazla..