Chapter 1: London I was born in a strict Muslim family on 11th November 1984. We are 4 sisters and 1 brother and I am the middle one amongst all of them. My parents were very strict and we have seen bad time financially at that time. My mother used to work for the factory and used to sow cloths. When my Mother was pregnet with me she met with an accident however with the grace of Allah everything was normal. I was very close to my uncle (dad brother). I was the apple of his eye and he loved me more than my own parents. My uncle got married and I still was part of their live. My father was very strict and full of anger but he had a very big heart. He was very kind and very generous. He gave his #life to his family but they took away his peace. I never liked my father much BECZ I felt at that time that he was too harsh on me and that if I talk he will tell me off. His anger and strictness kept me apart from him. He always liked clever children and smart and I was not very clever. According to him I never thought before saying and that I was very quick in making Decision. At the age of 4 my parents decided to sent me to pakistan with my older sister to get some Islamic studies and to get to know the Asian culture. My mother was not happy at all to send her daughters away but she agreed. The whole plan was that we go there for 6 years and in between we visit our parents in school holidays. Not only that my father also decided that other siblings will also go to Pakistan and learn the culture. I was too small to understand what was going but we had lots of guest a night before the departure. They gave me and my sisters lots of gifts and toys anbefore departU
Sienna Williamson
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