Twenty Year Old Me. " 'Cuz we've got to accept that #life's a show And we've all got those little roles to play, Well, I've auditioned for every part yet they still all turned me away..." - Rachel king. (Context: I didn't receive an acting role I desperately wanted and retaliated by penning angsty lyrics.)
The Road Not Taken. I love uncovering pieces of writing from times before. When writing on this platform prior, I was merely a 19 year old girl enjoying 7 weeks on the east coast of the states. Now I find myself in the Midwest, madison to be exact. I have no family here and nobody to rely on, only the friends I've attained along the way. How I got here is a journey in itself but it epitomises the concept of fate and how it truly works. Everything has fallen into place. Even in your darkest and most uncertain of times, #life hands you #lifelines. Take them.
Signs. I find these small little coincidences to be happening constantly while I'm here. Things that allude to my grandma are popping up everyday during my daily routine. She was heavily affiliated with birds, butterflies and ladybugs. In ocean city, a lady bug landed on my hand whilst I was sunbathing by the sea. In Baltimore, a big yellow butterfly landed on my shoulder and in NYC a robin sat on my windowsill and peered in. In new York also, her song "you are my sunshine" was playing just before I went on the big piano. It's always been a dream of mine to have a go and this was (I think) her way of telling me that she was there and watching me achieve a childhood dream. Other little coincidences have happened too. She loved hiding things and have a good laugh at us trying to recover them. Well, she decided to "take" the memory card.. Then the next day it had mystery reappeared in the camera. The same happened to a pair of glasses. I'm extremely superstitious, but I feel her presence all the time. Be as sceptical as you want but I'm happy in knowing that grandma is not only smiling down on me, but walking along with me in #life <3