Enjoys reading books (my favourite ones at the moment are the True blood series), Listening to music, discovering new things, meeting new people, and watching films and interesting TV.
Ha ha You can tell a lot about a woman by her hands...for instance, if they're around your throat she's probably a little upset with you
Sleep is ready for a night of pleasurable and undignified bedroom activity normally know as sleep!!
Mother nature needs to find a good plumber, because the sky is still leaking!
Husband ask: What you doing' today. Wife says: Nothing. Husband says: But you did that yesterday. Wife says: I wasn't finished.
Status This Morning Rise? ok, fine. Shine? not so much.
Arkadaşlık etmek istediğinden emin misin?
Bu üyeyi ailenden kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?
poked var Prry_ssn
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