Translate   13 years ago

The Cellar- Chapter 1 This is based on a true story experienced by my bestfriend's family! The dim bulb that lit the room with dull light flickered as I squeezed my eyes shut trying to sleep. I tried so hard but it was as if I could not stop my body slowly getting up from bed and stumbling to the door that screeched open onto the darkened hallway. A breeze rushed past wrapping itself around me sending a chilling shiver up my spine. I was here now. The cellar door loomed in front of me and I spent every second of my #life dreading what would come next, what I knew would come next. We were that sort of family, that everyone viewed as perfect; A happily married couple with their two delightful daughters... I can tell you now, it could not be further from the truth. In fact, as I write now, I can hear my mum and dad in the middle of another blazing argument and my sister is nowhere to be found as usual. It's the summer holidays year of 1977 and to be honest... I can't wait to go back to school. Brushing out my curly brown hair I glared anxiously at the clock; 11pm on the dot and I could hear my mum and dad snoring from the room next door. The house creaked and groaned in the summer breeze, it was a very old house, in fact it was at least a century, I had spotted a book in our library titled 'History of Clark Manor' and I made a mental note that if the nightmares got worse I would read it. But I knew they weren't nightmares... It was real and I knew it was about to escalate and nothing could be done about it.

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