Translate   13 years ago

Unknown ~One Two little words changed my #life forever "I do" and it didnt even come from my lips. Light pink flowers covered everything in sight. This was the last place I wanted to be, I would rather be in the boys gym room at school, were you can smell the smell eight lockers down the hall. At less something good came from, other then happiness for the new husband and wife. I get to go to Mexico. Get my own room and my two best friend gets to come. Its not that I'm not happy that my mom has found new love, I'm really happy. I'm just not in the mood for the whole wedding thing. It's fall and everyone is in dresses, its freezing out! And don't get me started on the colors for the wedding yellow and pink. Its not that i dont like those colors, i do pink's one of my favorites; its just seem like there has been a lot of weddings those colors. I'm not even sure there's any food I'm will to eat here, other then the cake. I don't eat meat, but yet that's all there having. As the first kiss of husband and wife ends, the scramming and yelling began. As I look out to the sea of people I spots Mandy, one of my best friend who's coming to Mexico with me. I look around her but don't see Hall about. "where's Holly" I mouth to her Mandy mouth "don't know" As people thin out I finally make my way to Mandy. " you don't think she ran off with Trevor do you" Trevor was Holly's ex. But nothing would keep her from wanting him back, even after he cheated on her more then once. The only reason there not together is because if us, Mandy and I. As we looked around we see her; but not with Trevor but stuck with my grandma. She gives me a pleading look, a save me now. Mandy and Incan help but star giggling as we make are way through the group of people. "Grandma" I say as I rap my arms around her. "Oh my dream Sammy, is this wedding beautiful or what" Or what, "yes, it's wonderful" "well lets go eat shall we" holly and I take my Grand's arms walking her over to the table where her name is next to the new husband and wife. Jeff my mothers new husband, my step dad, brought over some food for my Grandma. Jeff as light blond hair and brown eyes. He makes my mom happy and take care of my Grandma; so he's all right with me. "Sammy I know you don't eat meant, so there's a whole area at the end that of the second table that has no meant" Jeff said placing his hand on my shoulder. Taken aback; didn't even known he knew that. " Thank you" "shall we go get some food" Mandy said eyeing the cod fish. As we walk away, I can't help but think someone's watching us. I turn to see Adam Holly's twin brother looking at us. "why is your brother looking at us" "I think he likes one of you" "Really" "yeah" And that way the end of taking about it. After we ate it was time for cake. After they cut there cake; it was my time to give a speech. "Weeks after weeks I works on this speech but nothing seemed right, to fit. Just like my mom and Jeff but some how it does work, some how we all understand. Hand in hand is my mom and Jeff. They go together like black and white, sand and water sun in a sunset. Jeff takes care of my mother and Grandma; I could never be more happier. So I wish and hope many, many years of happiness filled with love." It's was the best speech, long, or even that good but my mom had tears in her eyes and that's what I was hoping for. Clapping can from all around, as I sat back down, I being to think maybe this isn't as bad as I thought. As the night went on dance, laughing, and photos to last a #life time. It finally time to leave. We're heading to Mexico in the morning. As the wedding gifts are load the happy couple and I are heading home. "Sweetie, thank you for everything. We had the best wedding ever." "your welcome" "do you want to help us open our gifts; we put a few things on the list for you. DVD player, iPod, new laptop, and a few other things." "but why?" "This wedding was just for your mom and I. It's was for us, to show that we are now a family." "thanks" As we pulled in the drive way, we put all the gifts into the living room. By the end of the night I end up with a new laptop, iPod, bedding, two-hundred dollars, and so many gift set. I couldn't believe my mom and Jeff did this for me. (I have not yet thought of a name but this is just the start, I only wrote this in two day and will most likely be rewritten here soon. So just let me know what you think?)

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