Translate   13 years ago

Hidden Desires I plan to show my hidden desires For your presence has sparked internal fire Deep from within you hear it roar That inner beast, who you have come to adore No other creature can spark such a response The inner me is nearly blow apart My heart begin race Breath to pant My body to quiver with each advance The knowledge of you gives way to a playful smirk And instead launching to action I choose to flirt Two friend entwined in blissful joy Embracing each other as if we were special toys No clothing withdrawn, but in action we remain As each second passes We feel the strain No longer can we resist Our inner desire Articles clothing begin to expire Skin to Skin Lips to Body Heart to Heart Soul To Soul Oh how Passion begin to unfold No longer able to resist Our playful game A lover embrace burst in to flames Sounds of love rise louder and louder As our bodies join in with sounds of wonder I scream your name, you scream mine We both help each other reach heaven inside Will we stop at heavens door or will you and I want more and More! Later tonight we have to see as we turn this #poem into reality Rob

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