Future Missy #1 Hello past Missy! How's 7th grade? Fun? Oh yeah I forgot, How much that changed! Well anyways let's recap what's happened past Missy, Shall we? Well, You managed to end 7th grade, with all A's and B's. Then In late June You did absolutely nothing important. Then In July you met Tomska, Matt lobster and TimH, in newyork. You essentially stood there shaking until Tom Looked at you then you shot out the question, If he could sign your ukulele. He did and you nervously went for a hand shake and He said Hugs are better and Hugged you. WOW. Matt from Eddswold Played your ukulele and stuff so that was pretty badass. It's late July and you just finished your book you needed to read for school, also you bought a Saxaphone. YAY. You also managed to get a job babysitting, 3 kids. It's now August. Back to school commercials, NOOOOOOO! And you are planning to go to the mall with your new best friend Amanda! Woo! You also are excited for school. So you wanna do your shopping. And past Missy That's just about all that's happened except for In July you started Drawing and writing comics, don't Worry I still write them and I'm soon getting a graphics tablet, so I can draw them on the Computer and start posting them online. Progress. That's about it Past Missy! #quote of the day: Don't Listen to haters, Find out why They're Hating. Sign off ~ Future Missy.

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