übersetzen   13 Jahre

Overloaded Head I need to write, you know. Can't keep my thoughts in my head any more. There's to many of them in such a small place. So now I'm writing word by word, the things that can no longer stay in my overloaded head. I hope my memories will stay there a little longer though. If they start falling out, I will slowly loose my personality. Let's just hope that won't happen then... ... Why did I think that I could just write it all down. As if! I can't even make it all out in my mind. It's just like my room and everything of mine: All over the place and messy. Maybe I should start cleaning things up. Oh no... I'm too tired. You are always tired Sara! Hey! I'm a busy girl! Yeah I know. But you could start spending some more time... DON'T GET ALL PARENT LIKE NOW! Sorry! ... I'm so weird! If you just wasted your time reading this... I'm sorry!

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