Hi, My name is Margaret E. Tangon,11 years old.I'm just a simple girl trying to live her #life as time goes by,well actually,,it didn't end up like that.So my story is,,I was born on March 25,in The Philippines.I grew up being abused because of education and I understand why I was treated like that by my father.I love my family and I don't care if I'm treated that way.So,I'm abused,there goes my elementary #life,but before I head on to that heres a little bit of my kindergarten story: I had an awful kindergarten situation,I had friends but some people don't get me.I was a fun loving child that nobody heard of until I introduced myself to them.There were kids who,I guess..bully me?I don't know.They called me names and push me around and makes me feel I'm not special.Because of my experience,my attitude changed I was called "mean girl".Then elementary,I was classmates with those who.."bullied" me.Time flew and they were convincing people that I was the meanest persn on earth,until 4th Grade,,they called me names,punched me,kick me and accuse me of something I didn't do.I had fewer friends,friends who weren't trustworthy.They would sometimes call me names too.Then I believed,that I couldn't and wouldn't trust anyone ever again.It was almost recognition day my last words before I leave for summer was,"What would you want from me?What do you want to change?For me?". Carefully they answered,I understood them and promised that I would do so.5th Grade,I'm so close on graduating.As I promised,I did change but I had a little bitterness left from the situation.I had more friends than usual I was friends with one of my 'bullies'.

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