Being A Boy Man how I miss being a boy Nothing to do but play and destroy! My world was just mum, dad and toys Visits to the park brought so much joy Just wanted to run and be a cowboy Playing with dad as he threw the ball Me trying to catch it, wishing I was tall Mum looking for me as I ran around the mall Getting in trouble for scrawling on the wall Going to the toy shop was pure bliss Simple joys like that I'll always miss For when I grew up I had a plan To be a hero like Spiderman! Had the costume and toys in my room Even had the bubble bath in the bathroom! Remember shouting and being out of control Chasing the football wanting to score a goal Visiting my Grandad, god bless his soul Staying with him was the best thing ever Me asking endless questions, him calling me clever As I write this now, I'm shedding a tear Wishing to hear his voice and him to be here My wish came true and I got bigger and taller But now I miss the days when I was younger and smaller
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ChrisP Kirk
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