Mystical ( Chapter 6 - 12) Chapter 6 “Wow, your room is so beautiful” Molly said as we stepped into my room. “I’ve seen better” Tate said walking in behind us. “Why are you even here” I asked Tate. “Your mom invited me, she said you had many things to move so you would need a handsome strong boy like me to help you out” He replied. “Yea right, like your strong” I smirked. “Oh yea” he said as he zoomed across the room lifting up my bed in one hand as if it was a feather. Oh yea he’s a vampire “That strong enough for you” Tate asked as he placed my bed down. “oh so cool, I think I’ll marry you’ I said dryly. Molly laughed while Tate sat on my bed sulking. I can’t believe that the house my parents bought was right beside Tate’s house. Our fathers are even business partners on this project. How can this be happening. I mean the house is great, but I have a feeling a certain vampire had something to do with us living beside each other. “Rose, you have a visitor” mom shouted from downstairs That sent “Kate” I shouted as I ran out the room, down the stairs and hugged her so tightly. “Your hugging too tight” Kate said as she struggled to breath. Oh yea vampire “Sorry I said” as I let go. “You missed me so much huh’ she said as she interned hugged me. “Kate this is Molly, Molly this is Kate” I said as I introduced them to each other. “Rose” Kate said as she gripped my hand. “What” I said. “Is that the boy you’ve been writing about in your diary” she whispered. I looked up to see Tate with a big grin on his face, knowing very well that it was him. “Nope” I replied. I peeped through the corner of my eyes to see him frowning. “Hay what’s this” Molly asked as she pulled this necklace that shaped like a pink butterfly off my dresser. “Oh I had that since I was born, isn’t it cute” I said. “Have you opened it up yet” Kate asked “Nope I still can’t” I said. “Guys the moving truck is here” mom said as she walked into my room. “I’m going to miss you so much” I told Kate. After all our stuff was in all five of the moving trucks, we sat in the car. ‘Oh were forgetting one more thing” mom said What, we have everything. “me” Kate said as she came into the car. What “I will be so happy if you come live with me, but what about your grandmother” I said. She was quite and then I saw a tear drop fell. “She died the day you left” she replied. “Why didn’t you tell me” I asked. “Because I didn’t want you to worry about me” she said. It’s so like Kate, worrying about me when she should be worrying about herself. “How did she die” Molly asked “Molly” I said. How can she just asked that “I’m sorry” Molly apologized. “Its o.k., she was sick” Kate said. Knowing Kate, I could tell that something wasn’t right, is she lying about how her grandmother died. I looked over at Tate and I could tell he wasn’t buying her explanation too. The new house was set up, everthing looking perfect and nice. My room fit for a princess, and kate’s new room was right next to mine. I had shown Kate around and introduced her to Molly’s friends at school. Everything was on a level term now, as level as it can be. My mom was Kate’s god mother, so since kate’s grandmother was her only family, she was now under our care. “So why aren’t you getting dressed” Victoria said as she handed me my costume for the Halloween dance. “Because I don’t want to dress up like a vampire” “Come on it’ll be fun” Molly said, taking up one of my lipstick from my dresser. “Were all dressing as vampires” Kate said If only she knew the truth “Fine” I said as I took the costume from Victoria. “yippy” they all shouted as they started to dance around. “So why am I stuck with you” I asked Tate when we arrived at the dance. For some reason Kate, molly and Victoria vanished after we arrived, leaving me with Tate. “Come on let’s dance” Tate said as he pulled me to the dance floor. “I don’t want “I started to say but it was too late, I was already on the dance floor and a new song was starting. Tate gripped my side and pulled me so close to him, only our cloths separating us. One of Taylor swift's slow love songs were playing, put I couldn’t remember which one. I looked up at him to protest one more time but was caught into his eyes. Why does he do this to me. He smiled at me and whispered “ why can’t you admit that you love me”. “I got to go” I said as I pulled out of his grip and ran out the door. I was expecting Tate to run after me but he didn’t. and for some reason I kind of felt hurt. I mean if he loved me wouldn’t he have followed me. Oh no I was getting that burning sensation again in my trout .I stopped and looked around, good no one was outside. I leaned up against the nearest tree I saw, trying to get the hunger under control. “Are you o.k.” a voice asked, sounding really worried. Oh great, she was so out of it that she didn’t sense anyone come up to her. “ I’m o.k” she said, holding her face down because she felt the presser a second ago against her eyes, meaning that they must be red by now. “You don’t look o.k” he said as he took a step closer to her. “No stay back” she shouted as the sent of his blood became harder to resist. Her head jerked up and the boy gasped, backing away and then smiled. “That’s one real looking costume, how do you get your fangs to look so real, but what’s with the eye colour. Isn’t a vampire’s eyes red” the boy said as he came closer. The boy went on and on about her custome, but all she could see was his lips, his lips were calling to her. She wanted the assets of his lips. The burn in her throat and the hunger she felt disappeared only to be replaced with a feeling of extreme emptiness and need for that stranger lip. She felt her fangs retract and her lips started to ache. That’s it she couldn’t take it anymore, she gave in, giving herself over to the monster within. “Can I kiss you” she asked, stepping closer to the boy. “Your hot and all, but I have a girlfriend” he replied. “You don’t get it huh, let’s say this again. Let me kiss you” she ordered staring into the boys eyes. “As you wish “the boy replied as his eyes instantly turned jet black. “Wonderful” she said as she placed her lips closer to his. The moment her lips touched his, his energy shot threw her lips and into her body. It wasn’t the same felling you got when you kissed someone you loved; it felt more like being filled by food. Besides it wasn’t the typical kiss a couple in love was doing, her lips just touched the strangers lips. “Rose “Molly shouted as Tate, Victoria, Mark and her came up to her. She ignored them and continued on her feast. “Oh no, pull her away quick” Kate shouted. Tate pulled her away and the boy instantly fell to the ground. “What the hell” Rose snapped as she pushed Tate down.” You just want my food for yourself don’t you”. Everyone gasped when they got a good look at Rose. Her eyes was this beautiful pink colour, it shone in the moonlight. Her lips were also so pink, only a few shades down from her eyes. Her hair also looked different , more gold and had less curls. There was this glow coming from her. She looked out of this word, she looked like a goddess. Kate walked up to her and did something no one expected. She placed her hands on Rose cheeks and her hand started to glow blue. Everyone except Tate was stunted and looked clueless. Rose lips went back to normal, her hair then slowly got back more of its curls and then her eyes returned to normal. “What just happened” I asked , my head hurt like crazy. No one needed to answer because my memories came rushing back. I turned and looked at the boy on the floor, Mark was now beside him. I gasped as I looked at his lips, it was burnt very badly. And his face looked so pale. No , I chouln’t have. He isn’t. “He’s dead” Mark said as he got up. “No he can’t!” I shouted Tate grapped me and hugged me. “I killed him, I killed him” I cried. “It’s my fault, not yours. I knew you would awaken any time soon so I should have kept you close to me ” Tate told Rose as he wiped her tiers away. “No it’s my fault, im your protector and yet I couldn’t protect you’ Kate said. “what craziness are you all talking about” I shouted.”And what am I “. Kate looked at Tate and he nodded. “Your half vampire, half fairy, daughter of Isobella. That’s it, I couldn’t take it anymore. My legs went weak and everything went pitch black. Chapter 7 “awch’” I cried as I sat up in bed. My head hurtted like hell. Where am I “Your in my room” Tate said I looked at him, he looked like a mess. His beautiful eyes looked tired and under his eyes were baggy. His light brown handsome confident body just hung confidentless. “drink this, mom say’s it will help your pain’ he said as he handed me a cup of green looking liquid. I was too tired to ask what it was so I just took a sip. “How long was I asleep” I asked “A week” he replied My mouth hung wide open. A whole week “The boy” I asked hanging my head down. “My dad took care of it so don’t worry “he said as he sat beside me. “My heads a mess, I keeping getting glimpses of things I don’t know or remember “I told him as I leaned my head on his chest. “It’ll be over soon, just sleep a little more” he said. He got up, took the cup from me, pushed me back down and covered me. “You’ll be fine when you wake up again” he said as he kissed my fore head. “Am I what Kate said I am” I asked as another sleep spell came over me. “You’ll know when you wake up” he said. I stretched out my hand and griped the bottom of his shirt. “Don’t leave me” I said as I closed my eyes. Memories of long ago started to run through my brain like crazy. The first time I meet Tate when I was six. “Why do I have to marry you, your ugly. How can you be a fairy” Tate had said. “How can you be a vampire when you’re not handsome? Your eyes even look so yucky “ I had shouted back. “Mommy why do I have to marry Tate when I get older, he doesn’t even like me. He says im ugly” I had cried. “Boys are mean to girls they like. And besides you two were meant to be just like your father and I”. “How do you know” I asked “Here” she had said taking a ring from her finger. It was here most special ring. And placed it into my hand. This ring when the two persons who are meant to be together are holding hands it glows “ “So a ring tell’s my future “ I asked looking closely at the ring. “No silly, your heart and body will know when your meant to be. The ring is just a symbol of your love. I looked at my mother clueless; she saw that I didn’t understand a thing she was telling me. “We’ll talk more about it when your older, I should give this ring to you when your 16 but I’ll give it to you now” she said with a smile. She placed her hand around my butterfly necklace she had given to me for my last birthday. Her hands glowed pink and the necklace flew open. She placed the ring inside and closed it. “Why can’t I open the necklace mommy?” “When your powers awaken you will o.k.” mommy said. “I hope I’ll be a powerful fairy as you mommy” “you’ll be and even more powerful’ she said as she kissed my forehead. “My two beautiful girls” Daddy said as he hugged mommy and me. “Daddy “I shouted as I hugged him. “So did she bite anyone, better yet grow fans” he asked mom. “You know she can’t, the doctor said since she has fairy blood it’s holding back her vampire blood. She’ll just need a little help to awaken her vampire side that’s all”. “I guess I’ll bite her then”’ daddy said with a smile as his fangs came out. “Yah bite me daddy, bite me daddy” I giggled. “Stop that you too, you know we said Tate would bite her when they got married” mom said. “I don’t want to marry that jerk” I shouted “Don’t worry, daddy won’t let you” dad said as he lifted me up and span me around. More memories flooded back into my head but in every one I couldn’t see my parents face and I never saw how I got separated from my parents or what happened. I still didn’t know many things. Rose opened her eyes slowly, she had remembered so many things but yet so little. She sat up and saw that Tate was watching her every move. He looked a lot better now, but still looked kind of tiered. “Are you feeling better now” he asked. “I need you to take me home now’ she shouted as she jumped off the bed. “What” “Now please” she pleaded “Fine” he said. “I'll take that as your feeling better”. “Yea” she said quickly. She needed to get home quickly. He looked at her, shock his head and then the two of them were out the door. “What are you looking for” Tate asked as he sat on Rose’s bed watching her throw clothes out of her draw, throwing them all across the room. One of her sorts even hit him in the face. “Found it” Rose streaked as she pulled out a pink butterfly shaped necklace out one of her draws. “You draw me here to look for a necklace” Tate said. She didn’t answer; she just went to her bed and sat beside him. She gripped her hand around the necklace, closed her eyes and her hand started to glow pink. The necklace then popped open and a ring that looked so beautiful like nothing Tate has ever seen fell into Rose’s lap. She took the ring and put it on her ring finger. She then held Tate’s hand with the other hand, immediately the ring started to glow. She looked at the glowing ring and then into those wonderful eyes. Tears started to fall from her face, she finally understood what her mother meant, and she understands what she felt. Everything was now becoming clear to me. Chapter 8 Nock, nock “Come in” Rose said as she tossed a towel in her beach bag. “Are you mad at me” Kate asked. “Why would I “Rose replied. " Because I’m your best friend and didn’t tell you I was a fairy “she said. “I’m not angry, I’m your best friend and I didn’t tell you I was a vampire” I told her. “But we said we would never keep anything from each other” “o.k., from now on we will definetly keep nothing from each other” I said. “That’s a deal" “So do you have something to tell me” I asked her. “No nothing” Kate replied. Doesn’t she learn not to lie to me. O.k. she’ll tell me sooner or later so I don’t need to worry about that. “So where’s Rick” Tate asked as he dropped into the front seat of the car. “Whose Rick” Rose and Molly asked while they bottled their seatbelt. “Haven’t you told them” Tate asked Victoria. “What are you even doing here, following Rose. She doesn’t like you remember” Kate said to Tate. Tate turned around and winked at me. “Told us what” I asked Vicky “Oh that Rick’s Mark’s brother, oh yea now I remember. I can’t believe I forgot” Molly said. “He’s your brother” I asked Tate. “Older brother, but that’s not what I meant” he said. What “He’s my husband” Victoria said Everything went quiet and then all eyes were on Vicky. “I thought he was your brother” Kate said. “Wait he isn’t right” I asked “No, I’m just like you and Molly. Rick was my one” she told me. It took several minutes for us to get everything in. And when we did we all smiled and gave her a big hug. “There is one more thing I haven’t told you guys” Vicky said as soon as she started driving out the gate. “It’s not as big as you being married is it” Molly asked. Tate smirked so I knew it was something really big. “Oh nothing really, just that I have a …….. Daughter” she said softly. ‘What!” everyone except Tate shouted. “I was going to tell you but I was afraid you would not want anything to do with me” she counted while everyone was still speechless. When I saw that she was at the brink of tears I assured her that I was there for her and she was one of my closest friends. Beside’s I wouldn’t have told anyone all of those things. I know see that everyone has a lot of problems just like me. I’m just glad she told us now. Her daughter is two and was just spending sometime with Vicky’s parents. On our way back from the beach we’ll pick up her daughter whose name is Renee. She sounds so cute and adorable. It seems that Vicky’s parents know that she’s a vampire but when I asked she started to cry and I just let the subject slide. When she’s ready to tell us she will. “What’s taking the girls so long” Mark asked as the guys sat on beach chairs which they had just finished setting up. Mark, Ben and Rick had met them at the beach. “Love the bathing suite” Vicky said to me as we walked back to the beach. I was in a Rose pink two piece. The top had a white circle in the middle and was covered in glitter. My hair was in a side pony tail and I had on white sunglass. “Same to you” I replied. Vicky had on a white bikini. Her red hair that stopped below the middle of her back blew wildly in the wind. “What about us” Molly and Kate” pouted. “You too look fabulous too ”Vicky laughed. Molly was in a blue bikini with white strips. Her hair free to the wind. Kate how every had her black hair that fell almost to the center of her back into two pony tails. Her bright red bikini brought up her light brown complexion. She looked adorable. And we all went barefooted; don’t want to get sand in our shoes now. As we walked towards were we were to meet the boys we saw about 10 girls hovering around the guys. “Girls again huh” Molly said. Every time the guys go some place girls always gravitate towards them. I mean they are that hot. The guys saw us heading towards them and ran towards us. Ditching the group of girls. I saw the looks they gave us. “You look hot” Tate whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I instantly started to blush. Molly giggled “Ghez stop teasing her” Vicky scolded Tate “I can’t take it anymore” Tate shouted. And before I could ask what he meant he kissed me there and then right in front of everyone. “Where together now” he said as he wrapped me back into a hug. Everyone started cheering and shouted. I was so embarrassed so I pressed my face into Tate’s chest. “Since when” Molly shrieked “Why didn’t you tell us” Vicky joined in. “Why don’t you guys ask her latter, right now I want to spent some time with Rose” Tate said. “Oh sleep over tonight, my house, I mean Rose house” Kate shouted. “You looked so cute when you were blushing today” Tate whispered into my ear. “I was just nervous” I replied “Yea right” “No I really was” I said “About what” he asked About you kissing me “So you like me kissing you huh” Tate Smirked Stop reading my mind and no I don’t “Oh really” he said as his lips came towards mine. “Yes” I said as breathing started to become harder to do. “Well since you don’t like it I won’t kiss you” he said as he withdrew his lips. Huh, wait “Let’s head back, everyone’s waiting on us” Tate said as he grabbed my hand. So we headed back towards the car. But when we got back to where we were to meet up, no one was there and so was the car. “Did they leave us” I asked “They couldn’t” Tate said. Just then his phone beeped. Indicating that he got a message. “I think they just did” he said as he looked at his phone. “What?” I asked as I took the phone from him and looked at it. Tate, Mom booked a hotel room for you and Rose at the Breezes hotel next to the beach. Have fun, but not too much fun. Remember you too aren’t married yet. Who am I kidding go all out if you want to. From: Mark Chapter 9 “I can’t believe they did this” Tate said as we pushed our room door open. The room was a typical hotel room. Two medium sized beds, TV and the usual. “I’ll go shower first” I said as I headed towards the bathroom. I felt the cold water rush all over me as I tried to cool my nerves. Tate and I are alone in a hotel room and we can hardly stay away from each other. I’ve been distracted lately so Tate’s charm was weaker. But now that I am all Chalm it’s like all his hormones are throwing themselves at me. And I don’t think I can control myself, it only takes a look from his beautiful eyes. I finished having a shower and washing my hair so I stepped out of the shower. I looked around the bathroom for my clothes and only saw my wet swimsuit. Oh yea, my bag with my clothes were in the car so I’m now clothes less and shoes less. I then had to take a towel and wrapped it around my body. I barley opened the bathroom door and peeped out. Tate was no were in view so I opened the door wider and stepped out only to nock right into Tate’s chest. “Owch” I cried as I rubbed my forehead with my right hand while using my other hand to help hold the towel in place. Tate’s eyes lowered and looked me in the eye before lowering and wondering all the way down , lingering at the towel that covered me and then to my wet toes. He sighed and then handed me a T-shirt that read ‘I LOVE BREEZES HOTEL’. He must have went and bought this “Give me your swim shorts” I said. He grinned and then started pulling down his shorts. “No.No.No, I mean give it to me when you take it off inside the bathroom so I can put it to dry!” I shouted with my eyes closed. “That hurts, I thought you wanted me now” he said pretending to be hurt while he went into the bathroom and then closed the door behind him. The door then barley opened and his shorts dropped in front of me along with my swimsuit before the door closed again. I took them up and placed them in the drying side of the washing machine which was tucked into the side of the room. I heard the showering going so I removed the towel and used it to dry the excessive wetness of my hair. I then used it to dry the rest of my body before putting on the t-shirt. The dryer then went off so I took out the swimsuits. I put on the bottom piece and then placed the others on one of the bed. Tate sighed again as he turned off the shower. Rose had looked so irresistible just a few minutes ago. Her long golden hair was soaking wet and sticked to her face. Her skin was glistening with water and the towel just screamed rip me off. Just thinking about that made him excited all over. He stepped out the shower and then he felt a tingling in his throat, he’s going to need blood soon. He walked out the bathroom to find Rose sitting at the side of the bed on the right drying her hair with a towel. She didn’t notice him until he got a little closer. She looked up at him and then her eyes bulged out. Her hands then quickly flew to her face, covering her eyes. I smiled at her blushing face. I had looked up when I noticed that Tate was standing beside me. His body looked so hot when it was dripping wet. I used my eyes to look him over from his face all the way over his chest. Then when my eyes travelled further down I saw that he was completely nude. “Pu..Pu..Put on something” I stammered with my hands still over my eyes. “Party pooper “he said as I sensed him taking up his shorts. “Are you descent now” I asked “Yea” he replied “Ghez, what’s wrong with you” I said as I removed my hands and opened my eyes. “Nothing” he said as he pushed me over on the bed, with his body on top of me. Why does he look so hot " what?" I asked as he just stared at me. he didn't reply he just brought his lips to mine and that’s when I completely lost it. My head started to swirl and I couldn't tell we're I was. " we should stop" he said as he pulled away . " why" I asked, feeling a little hurt. “Because your so tempting" he said as he leaned forward and licked My neck. I knew what he wanted . “I love you” he said as his eyes reddened. “I love you too” I wispered as I felt the sharp pinch on my neck as his fangs sank in. I gripped his back as he sank deeper and started to gulp up my blood. I smiled inside and sighed. I know that I can never live this long #life without Tate. I love him too much. Just maybe, no. I know I'll spend the rest of my #life with Tate. “Really” Tate asked as he instantly stopped drinking my blood. “Maybe" I said as I pulled his head down and kissed him. Chapter 10 “I can’t believe you guys left me” I shouted at Molly and Kate as I walked into my room and found them on my bed playing monopoly. “We didn’t have a choice” Kate pleaded. “And besides you wanted time alone with Tate” Molly teased. I immediately started blushing. “Ohhh , tell us what happened” Molly and Kate shouted as they hopped off the bed and hovered around me. “Hay, there is someone I want you to meet” Vicky said, saving me from these insane girls. I turned around to see a miniature Victoria hiding behind Vicky. Her hair red like her mothers just has a little more body to it. She has her father’s brown eyes, not her mother’s grey once. Everything els looked like her mother, her face, her nose and lips. She looked so cute. “Hay you must be Renee” I asked her as I bent down to her level. She nodded “Are you Aunty Wrose" she asked with her little sweet voice of hers. “Yes” I said with a smile. She then smiled and ran and gave me a cute hug. “How come she’s not like that to me and Kate” Molly asked. “Come on, daddy’s taking you out for ice-cream” Vicky said to Renee. “Yea” Renee laughs. She looked so cute. “Baw Aunty Wrose” Renee said as she followed her mother out of my room. “Oh and mom wants to speak to all of us in 15 minutes” Vicky told us. “What could she want” Molly asked “No clue” Kate replied. I just stayed quit and tried not to let them see my face blushing away. “Let’s get straight to the point” Mr. Mackenzie said when everyone was gathered into the same room I was in when I first met him. “Tate and Rose are getting married” Tate’s mom screamed while jumping up and down. My face instantly became bright. But no one said anything. In fact they looked board. “On Sunday” she added. That’s when everyone’s face lit up. “Really” Kate asked me “Yea” I said as I covered my eyes with my hands. This was too embarrassing. “I knew the hotel room would pay off” Mrs. Mackenzie sang. “Congrats” Molly said as she hugged me. “Are you sure you want to do this” Kate asked sounding worried. “Stop trying to talk her out of this” Tate said as he pulled me into a hug. “I’m sure” I said with a smile as I looked up at Tate. Tate leant over and kissed me right on the lips. “Go get a room” everyone shouted. Tate’s mom just grinned from ear to ear. “So do you have anything planned for tonight” Scott asked me as I stepped into the class room. “No, why” I asked as I walked towards my seat. “Go on a date with me” he said “Don’t you have a girlfriend” I asked as I took my seat. “No, we broke up “he replied I looked towards the left and saw his girlfriend, I mean ex giving me the evil eye. “I’m sorry but I kind of have a boyfriend already” I...
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