The Alter the colour of love today is a mixture of white & grey navy blue & beige generations past, present, and future congregate on the green grass amongst the playful laughter of children amongst the smiles of parents proud amongst our mutual friends in the crowd my lips crash into yours like the dancing seas into the rock of Gibraltar in that moment, I’m reminded why I’m so happy you decided to meet me at the alter I solemnly swear, my blushing bride, that our love will always prosper the fortitude of my love for you will never falter in that, you will not find fault my very existence was to break your heart’s resistance from day one the strength we possess was made manifest in the birth of our beautiful son passion burns like sulphur to naked skin there is no greater win than the day that legendary wind swept you off your feet and encouraged you to meet me at the alter i pine, i perish… our love, i cherish in that fact, you won’t ever find fault don’t ever expect my love for you to falter not since our child was born did a more joyous day in my #life occur never have I been more sincere like I am right now, my dear i implore you to cast aside all doubt accept this as the absolute truth, for I would never palter thank you so much for saying “yes” thank you for agreeing to meet me here at the alter.

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