Translate   12 years ago

The Most Fragile What is the most fragile thing you know of? Is it: your lovely glass ornament you got in India; is it that adorable clay sculpture your child made you in pre-school? Well however fragile these things may be, I can name one that is more so: #life. Everyday we push our way through it, some of us gladly, others grudgingly. Some of us choose to end it, some of us want to fight for it. For some it is short, and others long. It is the only thing we know is certain. It is so precious, so fragile. The tiniest thing can flip the switch from ON to OFF. There are so many ways to flip the switch OFF yet the only way to keep it ON is to avoid having it flipped OFF. #life is so fragile, so easy to shatter, crack, dent. #life is a switch.

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