Translate   13 years ago

How Do You Actually Feel? He sits overlooking the precipice contemplating his apparent emotional turmoil. How does he actually feel about her? Then you throw into the mix a little unrequited Love for Female B who decides to reappear. It's a shitty situation. What is they say about nice guys? Last time she avoided his gaze he understood and talked her down. This time when she looks away it riles him. He's the one that's been left on the sideline. Why does she get to monopolise the 'it's a complicated situation so I'm going to be the hurt one' high-ground? Yes, he moved in aware of the situation, but let's not shy away from the reciprocal nature of this attraction. He'd learnt to deal with unrequited Love. Just. It's a different pill to swallow when she tells you she isn't happy with him, but then stays with him all the same when it blows up. It's a different pill to swallow when she won't look at you anymore. Guilt and cowardice make for power motivations - how could logic possibly stand a chance? You read the above and then explore the titular question. How does he actually feel? Bitter.

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