Translate   13 years ago

That Dreamy Sunset I pushed open the door with my hip and began to walk outside. I fiddled around with my phone as I walked, not even paying attention to the glorious sunset that was occurring above the horizon. Not many people went out of their way to watch a sunset these days, they happened everyday. The sunsets seemed to lose their importance because if you missed it there's always tomorrow. Right? So I continued to walk along the sidewalk, until I tripped slightly, stumbling forward a few steps and then regaining my balance. Looking around to make sure no one had seen, I noticed I was alone. No one else was leaving the building as I had, no one was looking at the wondrous sunset. Caught up in the silence and the artwork the sun created in the sky, I stared off into the sunset. This sunset seemed more close, more vibrant and more welcoming than before. Distracted as I had previously been with my phone, my main focus was the sunset. The sunset had driven away the loneliness and the cold of night and replaced it with hope and warmth. I broke my gaze when I heard footsteps, I blinked a couple of times to get my eyes to readjust. A dark silhouette started walking down along the path that I had taken. A smile spread across my face when I recognized who it was. Brey. I began to open my mouth to say a happy hello when he came up to me and kissed my forehead. I could feel the warmth and the comfort of his lips on my skin. In reality it was only a few seconds long, but it felt like a #lifetime. A #lifetime I had waited for this moment, the spark. He took a step back and for a few seconds we stared into each others eyes. He looked down and I looked up to meet our gaze in the middle. He was a good 4 inches taller than me, but it didn't matter. "I hope I wasn't too bold." Brey said. Brey had this hopeful look in his eyes as it he was wishing I wouldn't get mad at him for what he did. -how could I be mad at him? Every part of my body is rejoicing!- I could feel myself blush, my cheeks turning rosy read, but it didn't matter. A smile spread across my face and his smile grew. I was speechless, I knew he was waiting for an answer, but I was so overwhelmed with happiness that no words were coming. We stared into each others eyes for another time, and I knew Brey knew it was fine. If I had slapped him or stormed off I believe that would have been a clear 'no'. He knew. I could see it in his eyes. Brey slowly put his hand on my cheek, tilted his head ever so slightly and kissed me. My lips met his and I felt awkward. I had never kissed anyone before, not like this. I hoped I wasn't doing it wrong, but this was Brey's first too, so i knew we were both feeling the same thing. I could feel the warmth spreading to all points of my body. The pressure of his thumb, index and middle fingers on my left cheek, with his ring and pinky fingers resting on my neck below my ear. I tried to put my hand on his shoulder, but it was too far to reach without breaking the kiss, so I let it fall and rest on his waist. It was the happiest moment in my #life. I would go out of my way to experience this sunset. Over, and over again.

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