Translate   13 years ago

Meat Have you heard? You're part of a herd, You don't see it that way, coz there's money involved, And anyway it's not called a herd, It's a team. Working for the same side with pride Coz it feels good to be in demand, Why? Coz everywhere you go It's publicised and advertised, Till it becomes the norm. Wait a minute... It is the norm You work coz you were born You were born into a system Not exactly what you envisioned But that doesn't matter, It is your #life But it ain't your mission, Its For the greater good. Im good but there's a lot of corrupted greatness goin unseen. It doesn't matter Keep paying you're taxes, Here, Watch eastenders, Lose your own #life story in a fictional emotional crisis, There, Is that better? Now tell me, What was it that you wanted to speak up about? Oh you can't remember? Don't worry, Here choose a donut, There's 12 varieties, But really it's all sugar and bread so really there's no variety, It's all marketing, Like selling week old veg and labelling it fresh, but anyway it doesn't matter if you haven't finished your food and are still hungry, Break times over We all run on time but at the moment you're on mine, Oh I'm sorry, Was it something I said? I call them Shepherds You may of heard them being called the 1%, Heard about them so many times it's become just another word like "the" or "and", Sheep and they don't even know it Maybe they do but are unwilling to make a stand. Black sheep killing these opponents Sheep who have got caught in the glitz n glam These mutton dressed as lamb May aswell be rodents Coz we didn't invent this rat race, But we live it accordingly to there plan. Sheep and don't I know it, No matter how many I count it won't send me to sleep, Knowing how many have the wool pulled over there eyes by wolves in their own clothing Who put a mirror in front of them for self loathing Only to pull it away and sell'em some bullshit to buy That the next time that mirror exposes Something about them they dislike They'll buy some more of their rubbish And keep buying it until it fills there insides And what's inside rises to the surface Full of shit So far from the truth That it's televised and a program's been made out of it, And it's what's passed off as real #life, And any meaning the sheep ever had, Died Only seen as cattle thru the ruling shepherds eyes... A pound of flesh How would you like it? Minced? Butterflie or diced? Rest in pieces. While the fat government man covered in gold takes a big bite of the lamb pie... And shits you out of his insides.... Sheep and they don't even know it.... They may not, But I wish they fuckin tried....

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