Translate   13 years ago

~Happy Birthday~ Happy Birthday JK Rowling! This day, the 31st of July, marks the birthday of one of the most influential characters in my #life. Thank you for not giving up after being dismissed by numerous publishers and thank you for bringing us Harry Potter. It has helped me meet new people and was there for me, a magnificent world I could loose myself in. I wish you many more birthdays and many more books. We love you and thank you so much. Thank you, our Queen <3 Happy Birthday Harry Potter, my favourite literary character. You and us, the fans, have seen death and destruction together and we have stuck by you to the very end. Always. <3 Happy Birthday to Joey Richter (Ron from AVPM) for bringing us laughs and fun. You are supermegafoxyawesomehot and amazing. <3 From, A faithful Potterhead

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