Translate   13 years ago

Dairy of a Superhero's Cat Dear Dairy, Ugh, of all the superheroes, why did it have to be Batman? Honestly, he's decided to call me Batcat. BATCAT! Why can't I have a proper cat name, like Truffle or Juniper? He just ignores me anyway. He never takes me to fight crime. He's not the brightest either. When he chose me in the Gotham City Pet Store, he said, "Come here little kitty, woof woof!" Need I say more? He's such a goon. If your name is BATman, get a BAT not a cat. Get it right Batman. I'm more Robin's cat anyway. He's the one who feeds me and pets me. I feel sorry for him really. Batman treats him like a fool. He has to wear brightly coloured tights. They make him look really camp. Like a super Gok Wan. And a budgie-smuggler too! I imagine they chafe a bit! I do like to get my own back on Batman for me and Robin though. It's my fault he growls when he speaks. I dropped a paperclip in his mouth when he was sleeping. Ha ha, the fool! He swallowed it! I also pooed in his mask once! He had to fight crime with a walnut whip on his face! He smelt terrible. My fault really, I had liver for supper. I shredded his cape too. It's not my fault! I saw a threat... and I eliminated it. He ended up flying like a bee with a hangover. He also crashed into a signpost. Broke his nose. I went too far that time..... It was worth it though. Anyway, see you later! I'm off to cough up some hairballs in his boots. Your fluffily, Batcat =3 /_/ >( • - • )<

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