Translate   12 years ago

Charmed Away-Chapter 1 Charmed Away-1 Mandy Perkins sat at her desk on the first day of school, bored to death. Normally she loved her history classes, but since it was the first day of school, she knew they'd just go over rules and crap like that. "Good morning class, today we're gonna go over how to behave in class." Everyone sighed. During the whole class, Mandy sat there and chewed her gum that Lilly, her best friend, gave her, and laid her chin in her hand, shooting daggers at her boring teacher. At the end of the period, Mrs. Sunny rolled her eyes and told the kids, "Homework for the night is to write at least a page about yourself." The class groaned and Mandy frowned. She hated writing. Especially about herself. She'd have to go into a detailed description about her #life. She had never liked her #life, and still didn't. Mandy walked out of the classroom, pissed that she had to write about herself for history. History! She would understand if it was in English, but she hadn't taken English this year, or lit, or anything like that. "Mandy, what's the matter?" Mandy's boyfriend, Josh, asked her as soon as he saw her angry expression. "I have to write an idiotic essay about myself for history." Mandy sneered. "Your teacher is gonna get to know and love you as much as I do," Josh smiled. Mandy rolled her eyes and walked away from her boyfriend. Even though she knew he loved her, she got really annoyed with how accepting he was of her attitude. She could be so rude to him, and he would always just smile at her and tell her he loved her. That smile of his was just plain annoying sometimes. She just felt like she needed to get away from it. She had never told anyone that she thought this, but decided she might want to. ***** After school, when Mandy was in her bedroom all by herself, she had a blank piece of paper in front of her. What to write was trying to be processed through her brain, but she couldn't think of anything. She didn't want to get too personal, and also didn't want to be a closed book like she had always been her entire #life. She took a deep breath and began writing. "My name is Mandy Perkins. I'm 16 years old and I'm a straight A student. I have dark hair and I'm tall for a girl, but my most beautiful feature is my... look I'm not exactly beautiful or gorgeous, alright? I'm normal. Not a model, or anything like that. Most of the time, I'm not in a good mood. That's because my mom's dead and I barely have any money. I have to work every hour I can at the local Jamba Juice with my sister to help my dad keep my family alive. So if I ever come off as a bitch, that's why. My best friend in the world is Lilly Kari, the red head from our class. She's the only person in the world who understands my feelings ever. So if she gets hurt for any reason, whoever hurt her will be hurt, too. Worse. I also have a boyfriend. But I don't think we're gonna last much longer. He's really nice and everything, but, well, sometimes he's too nice. He's also insanely clingy and I don't know if I can handle that much longer. My favorite subject is music, in case you were wondering. And no, not the let's go band retarded nerdy type of music, I'm in choir. I sing and play the acoustic guitar. Most of the time I sing country, but only songs that speak to me. If I wasn't writing this paper right now, I'd probably be reading. I hate writing anything, but reading is a whole different story. I read on wattpad, a website that amateur writers put up their stories for others to read. I've tried to write a story for that before, but I always fail miserably. Remember before when I said I work at Jamba Juice? Well, so does Lilly. She gets the money to give me and my sister makeup and hair supplies and accessories so our lives don't completely suck. How come it's so easy to read a page, but hard to write one?! Let's see... If I could change my name to anything in the world, I would be Fiona Levington. I like that name. I don't know why, I just do. Ya, I do miss my mom. It kinda sucked when she died. She was on her way to pick me up from my detention. Sometimes I think that the car crash was my fault. If I hadn't gotten detention, she wouldn't have been driving on that road at that time for that crazy driver to kill her. I still cry about it. I hope that at some point in my #life, it'll be easier, but I honestly doubt that. From here, it could go either way. For all I know, I could be dead tomorrow and nobody would care. I hope to have a not-so-boring year with you, even though I doubt that will happen. Well, my page is done, so I'm gonna go read now. Don't tell anyone what I told you. -Mandy Perkins" Mandy stared at the paper she just wrote. "This is me," she whispered to herself. She quickly tucked the paper into her binder and pulled out her laptop, ready to read some stories. ***** Hey, this is an authors note. I'm new here but want to know what you think of my story. I have more of it up on Wattpad which is a free app also and you can search 'krysta3434' and you'll find me! Enjoy!

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