Breathe Again I sit, the same place I sit everyday, hoping. Hoping for something that I can't have. I've been gone. When he left, he took a part of me with him. I can't think. I can't eat. I can't move. I try to put on a brave face to all the spectators. My mother worried constantly at first, but she gave up hope when she realised I wasn't coming back. People say I should give up, they say that I should realise that he's not coming back. But I can't. I know one day, he will. I know he only left to protect me. I must dedicate all my time to waiting out here. The last place I ever saw him. The place where he left me. The last place I was me. I see something. Coming out of the woods. A tall figure. A figure I know. Most recently from dreams, but now I see that the dreams I've dreamt over the past four months have not done justice to his real stance. Just seeing him makes everything brighter, his radiance clears a path in the wood for all to see him. It's him. It's really him. He has returned. I stand, wobbly, and blink twice to clear my vision. He walks slowly towards me and engulfs me in his arms. I press against his strong chest, and the tears begin to fall. Now I can breathe again. #100days @madhatter 10: Breathe Again.