Translate   13 years ago

Good Old Days If only I could change the world Here is what I'd do, I'd go back to the good old days Where they were fair for me and you. Wrong 'uns knew what to expect They went and served their time, Children were taught respect The neighbourhood was kind. But now there is a growing breed Of selfishness and greed, no one wants to give to others, Although we are supposedly brothers. Drugs and stealing, murders too Ask yourself what we should do? Why has things got out of order, It may help to close our border. This country is an island Oh so small, Where does the government think we can keep them all. For every crime that is reported Foreigners must be deported. It would happen if,we say, tables were turned the other way. Crime is done, not out of need But just because of lust and greed. Before you all shout out to protest Think who is left to protect us, Police and forces all scaled down, Yet aid is given to overseas, If only I could change it round, I'd make it safe for you and me.

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