The Diary Of Catwoman's Dog Dear dog diary, No one ever actually knew that cat woman had a dog. They all thought it would be a cat, I'd anything. It sucks being a pet of a superhero. We have to be stuck in a dingy old apartment while our owners are off saving the world, or at swanky parties. I came home yesterday, and gave her the usual welcoming woof, and she told me to "shut up, Bouncer! I'm not I'm the mood!" the cheek of that woman! I can't believe the cheek of her. But things got from bad to worse. She came in the next day all smiles. She had a cardboard box that smelt suspiciously cat-ish! What is this? I woofed at her. I was right! She had replaced me for some cute little kitten, just because she was cat woman! Why can't I have a normal owner? :'(
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