Hey, Listen To Me Complain. More and more recently I've come to the conclusion I just hate people. It's usually not their fault, they just unconsciously do things that make me think, "Yep, you're a moron. I won't like you." And it's usually small things, things that, with a little conscious thought, there is no real basis in my distaste for, but still, I can't stand them. Like terrible grammar/spelling/pronunciation. It's isn't difficult, especially online, to spell correctly. I mean, the computer will even tell you you've misspelled something. I may just be looking for excuses to justify a hatred that already exists for everyone who disagrees with me, i.e. everyone who is not me. Either that, or I have a very low bar for dislike of a person. People who interrupt me while I'm talking is another thing that pisses me off. Especially to ask me to repeat myself. Me: "Hey, I just found these letters on-" Them: "What?" Me: "I found some-" Them: "Huh?" Me: "Never mind." And I will give up on that conversation and go about my #life, annoyed somewhat at its conclusion. And fangirls/boys. I.. Wh.. They.. I will need to write a separate post about that. My hatred towards them is as hot as a dragon's tonsils. People who hear perfectly logical sentences, and refuse to accept them also frustrate me. I like to debate about the existence of God, (although, not start the debate as it does feel slightly rude) and, being an Atheist, I take the stance that he doesn't exist. Now, I can have an entire conversation with a theist about his existence, and refute his arguments logically, to the point where he will be forced to accept he only believes on faith, which, by definition, is belief without evidence. At this point, however, as I should've won this debate, the theist will tend to dismiss all previous arguments as invalid, as his faith trumps all possible logic. That pisses me off. And people who ask me why I read manga, or watch anime, and tell me that it isn't real. As if I didn't know. "Why do you watch that shit, it's not real, bro." Fuck everyone who says this, it is harmless entertainment, and much more stimulating than watching 22 men run around a grassy field for an hour and a half. I do think I may be some type of Misanthrope. Hmm.