Translate   12 years ago

The Village The flames licked the wooden frames, as the helpless screams joined the ever growing noise of the battle, the fae were a ferocious and devious adversary, seeking only terror and mayhem to fulfil their infinite #lifespan, their quarry was a village of beastkin, animalistic in appearance they dressed in clothes, followed the code of bushido, walked on two feet, forged weapons and a #life, yet all was lost at this point in time, the cold chill of fate ran down the neck of the samurai beast, he stood alone as the fae, taking long elegant strides, began to toy with the beast. "are you prepared to join your brethren" hissed the fae, the beast remained stoic, a newfound courage filled his heart as he knew he stood alone, the village ablaze around him as three more fae made their way to the scene unraveling in the village centre, this lone warrior knew he would have to sell his #life dearly to allow his pup to get far enough away. His palm began to moisten as he clasped it slowly against the hilt of his katana, hunched over he set his eyes on his foe and readied himself. The fae charged sword in hand flailing as he yelled for his allies to join in the final slaughter, four more appeared through the flames and crackle of the timber frames, swords drawn willing and now charging towards the beastkin who appeared to be frozen in fear, unmoving and unflinching. In one swift flick his katana had been released from its prison and slashed upwards cutting the fae in two then before the first fae had fallen the beastkin dispatched two then three more, the shock registers with the remaining fae, stopping dead in their tracks as their comrades in arms fell silently in two, the samurai stood motionless waiting for the reprisal yet it never came. The flames of the village began to grow, the crackling of timbers were all that could be heard, the beastkin had to find pup and protect her. The fae would hunt them, the fae would find them, the fae would take their lives if given the chance, yet the lone beastkin would defend his pup ensuring the fae would only find his blade, they would be made to pay for the slaughter of his village , they would pay

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