Translate   12 years ago

I've been to a lot of gigs in my #life and I've weathered many stormy / bad sets by stormy / bad musicians. But I have never walked out of a gig of my own volition. Late buses have been factors, my own drunkenness has very often been a factor. But those factors aside, if someone is creating music of their own on stage in front of me, I'll respect it and, where possible, stay the course. Until tonight. I have never in my #life seen or heard such a disgraceful display of public masturbation. No musical talent, unless you count playing 3 chords on an electric guitar and looping same chords through a pedal to no melodic end, for too many self indulgent songs. Lyrically I died inside every time his self pitying murmurs pronounced the word "fuck" to oh so great effect. Highlighting his inner turmoil or lack of originality or true bitterness (we've all heard better artists use the word to better use and we've all heard better artists not rely on boring shock tactics). This was a truly awful experience. I left so fast that the next available venue to sate my need for another drink was a ceilidh. And I swear the music performed at that was 1000 times better. Uilleann pipes included.

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