Translate   12 years ago

Crushed Even now I remember, the day that we met. It was several years ago, but how could I forget? You were charming and and handsome, and down I fell, Into a downward spiral, I now know very well. For who could melt, the ice queen herself? This brazen, fiery prince, who else? You barely lifted a finger, simply feigned a smile. Sent me a wink, every once in a while. And that was all I needed, little lonely me, I told myself, your side is where I should be. You melted my heart, I let down my guard, Then it was ripped right out of me, my purity marred. My world came crashing down upon me, Shattered and destroyed, why didn't I see? That you weren't my angel, I never mattered A broken toy I became, my heart had been battered. And now from the darkness, I see your wings, Your lies are so obvious, your dark spirit sings. Another one down, another gamble won, But don't overlook me, The game has just begun.

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