Translate   12 years ago

Lost Youth I remember when I was young My head was full of plans, My #life was to be full of fun, Not for me any wedding banns. But how dissolutioned one can be, When things don't turn out right, I had not the experience to see, That for my #life I'd fight. No loving kin or silver spoon, No friend to call my own, Just cold and dark, locked in a room, if only I had known. He promised me the world you see, I believed he spoke the truth, But the smell of evil came to me, as he took away my youth. Now I know of this cruel world, I think back when I was young, When I was just a little girl, and I was having fun. No more, no more, no more I moan, How am I to escape? Then once again I'm free to roam And learn from my mistakes.

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