Unknown. I wake up in am empty room, no doors or windows. The walls are completely blank except for a tiny purple smear in the bottom left corner of the third wall. I step towards it as I have to feed my curiosity. My finger gets as about two inches from it and it moves up the wall, leaving a trail with it. I soon realize its painting. I see people with bright colored skin, strange creatures fluttering around. Its beautiful. But strangely enough, in all the flying neons, there is one line of gray paint. The line starts to inch slowly across the wall, covering up anything it touches. It soon picks up fast and dashes across the room. The room is now fully gray, no other color can be seen. Moving pictures start to be projected along all four walls. I see me, sometimes by myself, sometimes in a crowd. I watch for a moment and collapse to the floor. I cover my ears and scream. I'm now in a room of every bad thing I have ever done. EVERYTHING. It was all there. I'm petrified in shock, I start to cry. I stand up and run to a wall and slam my fists as hard as I can into it. I cry out for my parents, then my sister. Then all my friends. But I know none of them can hear me. I stand in the middle of the room and look around. Tears are flowing out of my eyes like a water fall. I whisper to myself ’stop, make it stop’ then scream "GET OUT OF MY HEAD." and every thing stops. The room is empty, nothing on the walls, just me. I want to get out of here but I know I can't. Because there's no possible way to leave your own mind. End.

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